
Barack Obama Assasination?

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Im in australia and my parents reckon that if he gets elected h**l be shot straight away because theres alot of hate towards him. is this because hes black or because of his policies. Im sorry but i dont understand i dont see how he is any different to other candidates ? ?




  1. If he gets assassinated, it might be from a extreme racist, but many mature people who do not support Obama base their decisions by his policies and not by his skin tone.

    It is really hard to say since many people will not vote for Obama thanks to the republican smear machine that he is a terrorist, freedom hater, and shares the same name as Sadam.

    I don't support him, but my decision is not based upon sophomoric logic and ad hominems.

  2. That's the beauty of the campaign.  He is no different from other candidates, so if you vote for him - whatever happens in the next few years can't be your fault.

    This makes good sense. A vote for Obama is a positive and conscientious  contribution to apathy.

  3. Well in truth he probably won't be shot.   Secret service is a strong force to reckon with these days.   But assassination attempts will be made for both reasons.  Some because he is black and some because he is extremely liberal.   Most Presidents tend to lean more towards the middle of the road in terms of policies.  Bush has extreme conservative policies.  Obama has extreme liberal policies.   Whenever you have someone on the extreme end of ideas then they have greater resistance from more people.    

  4. Well let's hope not.  Anyone being assassinated would be a bad thing.

    did you ever see the Chris Rock movie about him being elected President?  It's pretty funny about his take on a black man being elected Pres. of the US..

  5. well my aussie friend, obama will not be assassinated, he will not become president. i will not vote for him. americans have no problem that he is black, they have problems with him being a socialist meaning he has the same ideology as josef stalin or fidel castro.  

  6. there is so much protection around these guys. The recent threat was found to be "not creditable." Yes there is hate towards Barry - these 3 nuts were white supremacist kooks.

    In addition, there are many voters that will tell a pollster that they will vote for Barry but when they actually vote, they won't vote for a "black man."

  7. This is not true at all, he's like a rock star in the US with little political experience under his belt. Reagan was shot during the 80's when he was President and he wasn't a black. So I think Barack being black doesn't mean he is going to get shot. But like I said, Barack is like a rock star over here...

  8. I went to Big Boy one day and I heard 3 old white people *sitting with a quiet old Asian lady* talking about how Barack Obama wont get elected cause his name sounds funny, they said it would sound better as "Barry Obama" and later started talking about genitalia, all as Barack's acceptance speech was on TV right in front of them. So the answer to your question is yes, black people do enjoy fried chicken and watermelon.

  9. If Obama gets assasinated there will be riots in the u.s. like you've never seen! (thats their plan)

  10. I'm in Australia too, and can say to you that it's just scuttlebutt from Australians because they view America as a place where its leaders get shot. They rarely stop to think why, or what kind of thoughts drive a person to do such us it's weird. We're not a huge gun culture because we used pens to create our nation. Our philosophy tends to be that there's not much difference between the two major parties. Pretty much just as it is in America. It's just that a lot of Americans don't see that, and some get so worked up about it that the cultural hard-wiring of killing comes into play.

    We don't have too many nutty types thinking that the PM is a socialist and we don't care what religion our leader is, if any. Americans don't have that feeling, by and large.  

  11. Perhaps a bit of both, but I'm inclined to say it is because of his race.

    Think of it this way, would the Prime Minister of Australia be a popular bloke if he was an Aborigine?

  12. It will never happen.  McCain will die first

  13. It's just media bs. No body is going to kill Obama.

  14. This won't happen. After the attempt to assassinate Reagan such thing became virtually impossible.

    We don't live in the 60s.

  15. Three days ago,a plot was uncovered at the start of the DNC that an assassination attempt was foiled.One of the three perpetrators was from a county north of me,they found three rifles and some methamphetamine.Later in the day,the news recanted the statement.My guess,the DNC was looking for sensationalism,to put Obama in the papers,and rally up the nation,but like I said,no-one cared,and the news recanted saying there was no plot.They might shoot Him for being an Idiot though.

  16. Look at how many people hate Bush and he hasn't been killed. If you get on youtube you can find various assassination attempts of presidents. I imagine McCain has just as high of a chance as Obama. Many African Americans will be furious as well as those that already hate Bush. People are looking forward to change and see it as the end of the road of we get McCain.

  17. He won't be assassinated, not with the Secret Service.  However, I don't have any friends in Australia that have a vocabulary with the word reckon.  It sounds like you maybe from the deep south of the USA.  Barack is not any different other than he is just too inexperience and we do not need a learn=as=he-goes president.

  18. This question is asked 50 times a week and 9 out of 10 times they spell assassination incorrectly, just like you did.

    He is no more in danger of being assassinated than any other candidate or sitting President.  Ford, Reagan and Bush all had attempts made on their lives.

  19. I'm sure it's on a lot of people's minds that it is a possibility.  

    From my vantage, the US has come a long way in regards to racism, but there are still haters ... some of whom would rather take matters into their own hands in terrible ways than see our country progress in ways they do not trust.

    It's sad, really.  

    For my part, I'd love to see a minority representative elected to the Presidency ... if he or she stood for what I believe (I would vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heartbeat).  Senator Obama is not that person for me.  That being said, should he be elected in November, I will honor him as my President as I believe God would want me to do, yet I will also pray for him to be wise, even as I have done with our current President.

    I can hope that such a tragedy will not happen, no matter who is President, yet the concern has crossed my mind as well.

  20. Yea, I have thought that he could be a target for the Waco's.

    It has been awhile since a president has been taken out I wonder if there is some kind of every so often kind of odds to this happening.

    He would go down as a marter for sure and there would be a lot of what ifs.

    In this day in age with terrorism I think they will protect him so this will not happen.

    I did hear that one of his offices was hit by some kind of violence  recently but it was not made a big issue on the news for good reason.

  21. he'll be fine. he wont get assasinated cause there will be no reason...mccain already slam dunked him with palin!!

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