
Barack Obama Has never lead anything a day in his life, why would he be able to lead a country???

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McCain has ONLY lead multiple companies successfully, but you Liberals don't like acknowledging stuff like that do you




  1. Look Joe Biden found a way to play President and Obama found someone to run the White house.

  2. that's the reason he picked an old dude for

    vice-president. He's gonna need a whole lot

    of help from somebody. He don't know squat

    and has done nothing since becomming a


  3. I think he leads in frequent flyer miles

  4. Where is McCains leadership experience? Being captured in a POW camp?

  5. because he can change the change thats changing the change thats changing us!

  6. I honestly have nothing against Mr. Obama. I do however think that if he had stayed a little longer in the state of Illinois and tried to do something positive  for us, especially down south of the Chicago area, then I might have taken his bid more seriously. But a first term senator as leader of the 58 states he wants to lead? I find it hard to not believe the Democrats ran a woman and a black man just to see if they could gain control of the white house again using the emotions of people instead of common sense.It makes no sense with all the career politicians with vastly more experience why a more solid member of the party could not be selected.that would have made this a real election instead of the farce we see nightly.Even McCain was not my first choice, but he is at least a seasoned veteran.

  7. McBush has never done anything intelligent a day in his life, why would he be able to lead a country???

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