
Barack Obama and the education system... A hypocrite?

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Barack Obama opposes school vouchers because he says the the public education system is not broken and that people should be proud of our public school system. In fact, he wants to raise taxes in order to better fund the public school system. His children go to private school. I wish some reporter would please ask him why he sends his children. Are his children more important than everyone else's?

He claims it is because it would take money away from already poor performing schools. So I guess only rich people, like Obama, should be able to send their children to private schools.

What do you think about this? Hypocrite... much?




  1. i'd rather not think of him at all

  2. Recently Oprah did a story about about the "broken" education system. She featured a school in Barry's district ( Oops!) as an example. But the thing that struck me was that a child's mother said she was appalled when she saw the conditions featured in the story. I thought, why did she not know about this already, has she never been there? that's the heart of the matter, parent involvement.

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