
Barack Obama for president?

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I support Obama, so don't get me wrong- I am just curious as to what everyone else's reasoning for supporting him is. Thanks in advance!




  1. The last thing we need is the Cons telling people how they should think and feel- and what they should do. It will only cause more of a divide and that is what scares Liberals

    Anyone but McSame 08

  2. I personally know John McCain and think he is a great leader who is wrong on every policy today.

    So, let's start with the economy.  The Bush economic ideas, that are rehashed and put back into effect by McCain, have a single goal: growth.  The result is that wealth and money are very centralized and certain sectors might generate all of the U.S.'s growth for a quarter while no other sectors experience any.  The result is that small disturbances can have large ripple effects.  How about an economic proposal that aims not simply at growth, but balanced and equal growth across the economy.  Obama's policies aim for this type of resilient and multifaceted economic growth.  If we give smaller refunds to more people that makes the entire economy more diverse and sustainable than if we give big breaks to those at the top.

    Foreign Policy.  Once again, McCain is largely thinking that unilateral US dominance is possible.  The choice Obama offers is not one of submitting U.S. interests to other countries, instead it is the achievement of those U.S. interests by working with other countries.  Both are internationalist, one recognizes the realities of the world, the other doesn't.

    That and 98% of his domestic policies seem supported by demonstrated examples (the universal health care system in Massachusetts, for example) and the right type of values.  

    These are the reasons I support Obama over all other candidates at this level.

  3. I vote for:

    starting all over again.  

    Dump the lot of 'em!!

  4. I'm supporting him b/c this economy is in bad shape. He also wants to end the war.

  5. Yes he is a man with a optimistic vision.

    He may not achieve all his visionary ideas, but I would rather have a man with high hopes and positive vision then a man who is blind to the hardships of his fellow Americans and is willing to follow the ideas of the last guy.

  6. He doesn't want to end the war. He just wants to move it into Iran and Korea. I don't support McCain either he is just as bad. Economically wise he will just raise taxes. With a dieing economy the last thing we need is more taxes. If Ron Paul was president he would bring all our troops home including ones stationed around the world, e.g. Japan. Also he would abolish taxes and get rid of unneccessary government programs.

  7. of course ! I mean u want 4 more years of mcbush.

    h**l no !!

    Honestly, I do not know why anyone would vote for mccain, dont they love their country??

    Besides Obama is quite brilliant

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