
Barack Obama!?

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I totally agree with what Michelle Obama said about the future President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, when she said:

"Barack knows that at some level there's a hole in our souls, Barack Obama is the only person in this race who understands that, that before we can work on the problems we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation."

I love Barack and think that Barack is America's only hope to regain its light and its humanity. Barack lifts us all to a higher plane of existence, and calls on us to give ourselves up to something greater than ourselves - the American Dream. I, for one, am willing to embrace his call for Change. He is the new politics, the new America, and the embodiement of OUR AMERICA, not the America of small, cruel, and intolerant Republicans. We, Democrats, are the PARTY OF THE PEOPLE, of ALL AMERICANS, and only by collective action to elect Barack Obama can we save this nation, and our souls.

Who here agree




  1. Absolutely, we need a leader that is just that!!

  2. well i know this sounds completley absurdd

    but when my teacher was talking about the elections

    this girl in  my first period class was like

    omg if obama wins were all gunna die

    and this other girl is like why?

    and shes like cuz hesz muslim!

    muslims kill peoplee there badd

    and she said all that c**p

    it got me so mad

    and people were like staring at herr

    just because hes muslim doesnt mean he

    is a terrorist dameris.

    and i was very mad becuz i am muslim. :(

    i know that didnt asnwer ur question or what ever

    but i just wanted to let you know how much rasicsm

    there is in this country

    obama will change things for us :)

  3. You're either a Troll, or a Fool.  Although I suppose you could be both.  

    For your sake, I hope you're just a Troll.

  4. Yes We Can 2008!

    Enough said.

  5. I agree very much. America has had enough of the intolerant Republicans that Michelle speaks of.

  6. Power to the People what a concept that started back in the sixties and then wall street took it from us. we going back to the garden this time and I am so excited about having a man who talks like me in the White House.

  7. Though I agree that Obama will be a better President than McCain, it really isn't up the him or any president to save our country.  That responsibility belongs to the people, if you want your government to do things, then write, call, protest, and lastly throw the bums out.  Many Americans rather stay home and hope and pray someone rescues them.

  8. There is no hole in my soul. She should tend to her own soul and leave talk of souls out of the voting booth.

    Physician, heal thyself!

  9. Yes I do

    .. . ..

    And don't forget that McCain is all for corporate America the same corporate America that sent all its production plants to other countries

    .. ..

    And big tax deferments to the big oil companies who already are making 3 billion in profits every 3 months

    .. . ..

  10. I agree.  I didn't grow up being discriminated against because of my skin color, so I also support Michelle Obama's remark of being proud of her country for the first time.  No one among us whites really understands what it is like.  Whites take it upon themselves to put others down for their race, for their ethnicity, for the way they speak English---you know, this country is based on immigration---all of the forefathers of those who scream bloody murder about immigrants were immigrants.  The only thing caucasians are good at is stealing:  they stole the land from the Indians, they stole the identity from the blacks and enslaved them, they still do that:  just look at it---corporate America makes billions of profits but pays only 6.83/hour in wages.  So I think that all the caucasians should be quiet, reflect on all they've done to others and still do to others.  They want to be respected but give no respect to those whom they classify as inferior to them.  So yes, it takes someone who comes from 2 worlds and understands what's going on.  Racism has not died in this country, but hopefully, with a leader like Obama it will die.....

  11. YES!!! finally someone who agrees.... more people need to understand that it is we as people that need to come together and make this world a better place...and it starts with us. We need to heal our own souls before we can heal the world. it is so wonderful to finally have a politician that gets the bigger picture...OBAMA 08!!!
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