
Barack Obama........

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Obama keeps promising change, but I have yet to hear a plan to go about changing America. What exactly has he stated on changing? I never hear anything specific, just him broadly saying change is what is best for America.




  1. Well there is his promise to change gas prices by increasing taxes on oil companies.  Of course, this will raise prices, but change is what he wants most so I guess it's good.

  2. Why don't you visit his website and see all his plans on the issues?

  3. Change is everything that comes to his feeble mind.

  4. MIND his change is MIND..he changes it every day, on everything. what ever the CFR tell him what to say for that day .

  5. barack obama......... is gonna lose

  6. change= take money away from citizens and give it to government because laws knows the government knows how to spend our money better than we do

  7. Why is this in the military section and not politics.

  8. Change is nothing more than a buzz word. Read through his positions and you find it's just more of the same. Read his silly book and you'll find a little more "change" in the there, like ending personal financial freedom and socializing everything. But it's not that much change, since we're half way there already.

  9. Because that's all he has..."change." He's playing to the dumbest Americans out there. People who vote based on promises instead of looking at facts.

    Look at BO's voting record and his "experience" (all 143 days). That will tell you what he wants to do to this country.


  10. The reason you don't hear of complete plans on how he will change this country is because President Bush has this country so screwed up he doesn't know where to start. He can't just concentrate on one specific issue when there are hundreds of issues that need addressed.  I'd much rather see a Democrat in there making some changes than to see McCain in there and just continue on with the country the way it is.  And that is what would happen.

    Regardless who wins the presidency, it's going to be the hardest job in the world trying to fix what Bush has screwed up.  I wouldn't want to be in those shoes!  Bush...What a putz!

  11. This is exactly why so many people are unsure of him.  I personally don't trust him, and it is because he seems to be unwilling to describe any plans that he has for the country if he were to be elected president.  Many people have the same gripe.  

    If he doesn't start getting specific soon, it could cost him the election.

  12. makes you think doesn't it? all of these people like him but really can't tell you about his policies, he does great in a scripted forun, lets see how he debates against McCain when he actually has to answer tough questions and explains his ideas, he never tells you where he's going to get all of this money for "universal healthcare" its because he IS going to tax us for it, we will be paying for it automatically out of our paychecks, he also is for partial birth abortion and giving illegals social security money, personally i think he has no idea what he's doing, he's just great at giving a speech, i really don't want a guy running my country who has 300 foreign advisors! McCain is NOT my number one pick but he is sure as h**l a lot better then Obama

  13. Well I'd like a change myself.

    I hate the 24 hour news cycle, the Republican run Fox news and all teh idiots who allow themselves to be spoonfed the Republican talking points. (see responses above)

    Apparently all of you like things just the way they are.

    May you all be sent to Iraq in McCain's 100 year war.

    He intends to give tax cuts to everyone making less tnan 40k a year and increase taxes for anyone making over 250k. MacCain wants more tax cuts for teh wealthy just like Bush. See the change?

    Get over the fact that he's got extra melanin people. He's an intelligent man and he's idealistic.


  14. Haven't figured it out yet. Politicians will say anything to get elected.

    I would like Lou Dobbs to run for President, he says it like it is.  

  15. While you're hoping to be able to just sit around and do nothing and be spoonfed information, most of us are actually going to the candidates websites and actually READING their proposals on how they are going to lead, and what their policies are going to be.

    While I do disagree with most of McCain's ideals... most of the people I know who are voting for him are well educated in his policies... because they did some research.

    You can't just sit around on your butt all day with no effort, and learn everything you want to know.

    Obama and McCain give BROAD examples of their ideas and expect that, if you like what you hear, or if it's not very clear, you will go read about their ideas.  
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