
Barack Obama stated that though he and the Republicans disagreed on abortion:?

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he would attempt to find common ground to make abortion less frequent. He said that in his acceptance speech.

When push comes to shove, Palin sees to it that abortion becomes less frequent by instilling in her daughter the ideals that life is precious.

However, Obama has stated he would do the opposite when talking about his girls and saddling them with such a burden.

Therefore, do you think Obama just "talks" about making abortion less frequent while Palin "acts" upon it with her own children even at the expense of her own candidacy?




  1. Obama has stated he would do the opposite when talking about his girls and saddling them with such a burden.

    Really, you've been privy to such consersations?  Are you the Obama's hired help?

  2. I think that Palin should not be running for VP, I think she needs to take time and run her own home.  She has 5 kids, and a grandchild on the way.

  3. Again ... it is much you do about nothing ... Obama is only interested in the "VOTE" and he will do and say what he needs to achieve his ultimate goal ... the White House ...

  4. Obama is only trying to cause controversies with the abortion issue because he's attempting to woo the millions of Americans who are staunchly pro-life. He's trying to make both the pro-choicers and pro-lifers happy. He will do and say whatever it takes to get a vote.

  5. Ugh...this disgusts me....

    Palin has NO RIGHT to 'act upon it' as it isn't her child but her daughters. Bristol should be the one to determine what is right for her....not sarah palin.

    Obama would and will support s*x education and birth control, unlike Palin, so that his children will be prepared for how to deal with their teen years in a responsible manner. Obama, if his children became pregnant, would allow them to make the choice for themselves.

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