
Barack Obama v.s. John McCain?

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I'm not a fan of politics but I want to do a research on both of them but it's kinda hard to find a good source about them. I think I'd prefer to hear it from people's opinions so tell me about one of them who you support. thanks.




  1. I think you should just list the issues e.g., economy, the war, health care, etc and find out where the candidates stand on each issue.  Then make your own decision just like we have.  You may not be a fan of politics but you just missed 4 days of a perfect chance to find out where the Democrats stand on the issues.  You should now miss the upcoming 4 days of the Republican convention just to be fair to the Democrats.

    Get Time magazine each week and read it until you vote.  Get the daily paper til voting day.  Watch CNN and FOX an hour a day (ones more democratic; the other more republican).  Whatever.  But just do it.

    By the way I support Obama.  Pres. Bush and his then Republican Congress reduced taxes considerably to the top 5% of this country's earners (the very, very rich) without giving the middle-class a tax break.  McCain stated that he believes anyone earning less than 5 million dollars is middle class (is he out of it or what).  Obama plans to raise the taxes to the rich (and with the now Democratic Congress it will happen) and lower them for the middle class (and he doesn't think that people who earn 5 million dollars are middle class).  That's just one issue.


  3. Bob Barr.

  4. Obama seems to have a good tax plan.  I wish McCain would adopt it.  But, I am supporting McCain because he has proven leadership and military experience, something you should have if you are in a position to send people to war and the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world.

  5. If you want opinions, this site is not the best place.  The people on this site are very divided and very hostile at times.  I think you are better off doing your own research.  Try and determine if the site seems to be bias to a point of campaigning.....  look for facts...  you might even have to verify the facts on another site.  good luck.

    that being said, I will be happy to give you my opinion.  a recent poll showed that 81% of Americans feel this country is heading down the wrong path.  I think McCain will keep taking us in the same direction we have been heading for the last 8 years.

    There has been a lot of negative said about Obama.  Most of it, by far is false.  I know becuase I have spent a lot of time checking out some of the things I have heard or gotten in my in box.

    I am willing to take a chance on Obama.  I have a very hard time imagining he could make things worse.

  6. Their are plenty of websites on the net to do your research.....the wikipedia on what Obama's policy and McCain's policy come first to mind.....listen to both conventions (Obama's speech, and McCain's speech) with an open mind to understand what they believe in on a fundamental level...and compare that to what you believe in

  7. dems will raise taxes. dems will take take money from the wealthy and give it to the poor which i dont think s right.dems will end the war thous putting us in danger. rep. will easy out when its safe for us to do so therefor not putting the U.S. in harm

  8. McCain will raise your taxes, send your job overseas, eat your babies and rape your dog.  Obama won't eat your babies or rape your dog so vote for him.

  9. I support Bob Barr.  I'm sorry you only mention both of them.  Bob Barr will be on the ballot and is polling double digits in some states.  The media is keeping his name quiet until the last month of the campaign.  You can see exactly where he stands on all the issues at

  10. So do tell why you didn't listen to Obama's speech tonight and find out from the man himself?  Seriously, why do you want our opinion when you have an entire internet to do the research yourself?  

  11. McCain

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