
Barack Says Millions of jobs coming if he is president. How soon, Where and for what length of time. ?

by Guest58760  |  earlier

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Mr. All mouth says millions of jobs. Doing what. Being supplied by

who. Captialized by who. Run and managed by who. If he taxes the

h**l out of us who run business and have companies. Who will be

stupid enough to take our place and have to close down in 2 years

or less. He says Bio Diesel BULL c**p. It is a failed industry.

Not enough raw material from Non Food sources.. Ethonal another

failed blind stupid project. So come on dems and Obama supporters

where are these jobs coming from. Can you say Government. Which

means what. Non Revenue producing pay outs. Wake up left your

being led down a path of pure destruction. What you think America

is Obama the salvation or the wrecking ball.




  1. I didn't know we made Burkas or wove prayer mats in America.

  2. Baracks program is like Willam Jefferson Clintons programs, 10 years

    from now. Not now. His tax and spend mentality will cripple business

    growth in this country. He is not a visionary but a mercenary, when

    it comes to what he will do to this country.  

  3. In Illinois, their solution to reduce the budget deficit is to build more casinos and put in speed cameras on the highways for traffic violations.....GREAT SOLUTION HUH?  

  4. Having successfully gone "green" and cut the US energy supply lines, we'll need to get out there and harvest the rice fields in a "green" and "healthy" way.

    We have much to learn from the North Koreans. They're smart: they don't pollute much, they don't use fossil fuel products to fertilize their fields, and they turn off their lights at night...

    And all of their cars are tuned up and their tires are properly inflated.

  5. Natural Gas companies

    Wind companies

    Nuclear companies

    Solar panel installation

    retrofitting of homes

    rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure

    you fail

  6. Year 3000

  7. He'll create jobs like FDR did during the depression. it's not that difficult. however what's bad is after he creates all this jobs and the recession is over. it cost billions of dollars and it would be really hard to get rid off. we still have jobs for FDR admistration that only a few uses that cost billion of dollars a year.  He's not lying when he says that. he will create jobs and programs.  

  8. Only if they are all government jobs, because business won't be able to afford their employees anymore with all the new taxes. Oh, but the government gets all their money from taxpayers. The government doesn't "earn" anything. Uh oh, we have a problem with his plan!

  9. It's just another bit of his mindless wanderings that the Obama supporters swoon over.  It's part of his messiah complex.  He can say absolutely anything even if it does not make any sense at all and people will still swallow it!

  10. Maybe in the fast food business? h**l, everything's made in China or Mexico anymore, thanks to another dumba*s Democrat. Thanks Slick Willy.

  11. some people actually believe what he says. imagine that.  very sad that people can be so naive

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