
Barack Says he has The Fuel issue fix. When, where and how. ?

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  1. Source?

  2. where have you been?


  3. The "FUEL ISSUE FIX" is that we don't "run out" of fuel.

    The "GAS PRICE ISSUE FIX" is non existent for Barack Obama.

    In fact, under his presidency, expect to pay up to or over $8 a gallon.

    Hope I can believe in =)

  4. Sarah Palin seems to think so... she endorsed his energy plan...  

  5. do not pester the messiah with details.  

  6. I am still waiting for Nancy Pelosi's "common sense plan" that she was supposed to come out with in 2006. Where is this plan? I am guessing that it will come about the same time as Obama's plan...Never. All talk and no action that is what you get from the liberal dems. What have they accomplished since they took power in 2006??? Nothing! Hey but they sound good reading a teleprompter.

  7. Didnt you get your tire gage yet?

  8. Sweetheart, you've asked this about at least one other issue.

    If you're really interested, look it up.

    If you're trying desperately to make Obama look inept, please stop; you're failing miserably.  

  9. Details are not part of "Change". You are just supposed to believe.

  10. I'm sorry, I haven't heard any candidate talk about how they will fix the fuel  issue. At least, not any realistic way, so McCain's "drill now" propaganda is just that.

    What source do you have for your claim?

  11. Obama can't fix a thing. His agenda is to broad, His platform to weak.

    His mindless jabber about how he will pay for things, almost sounds

    like slick willys suplus. That never happened, It is like Baracks

    B.S. all hinged upon one thing making another thing happen. That

    is unrealistic and just bunk. Fuel will be fixed by drilling. Now not

    next week Now. Alternative fuels sound great. And are needed,

    However we have been hearing this c**p since 1970. So please

    be realistic and drill.

  12. Raise the price so high that nobody will be able to afford to drive.  Fuel will be plentiful and our collective carbon footprint will decrease.  I like it.

  13. he'll sponsor a bill that will reduce the taxes on oil companies which would lower prices but it wont pass because the war in Iraq needs a source for funds.

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