
Barack obama is gonna get us all killed?

by  |  earlier

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is what you should type into youtube,

and then see if you want

to put your trust in this fool!!!!

Oh! and if he does do it!

well your a sitting the rest of the world.

Now hands up, all who think he's still a good choice?




  1. As I said before...

    "About half of this country disagrees."

  2. Lol And you want our next president to be a soccer mom  

  3. according to the onion(and myself) Obama doesn't have support from the majority of the African American community now that he chose Biden as his vice president.  They say Obama doesn't relate to lower class since he never was.  and i don't mind if hes president because either way this country is going downhill.  

  4. You believe all the c**p for once find the truth

  5. Obama is a horrible choice, but I beg you not to put all the blame on him alone. Obama is being controled by Kerry, Kennedy and God knows who else. If he fails to become President they are going to destroy his career. I kind of pity him because there is no way for him to win. If he does become President he will be a lame duck with no control over anything and if he loses his career will be over.

  6. I wouldn't trust Obama going to take a leak much less running this Country!  All he has done is wasted space with his empty promises and h**l I thought the Clintons had a ruff past, Obama has more connections with the outright corrupt then John Gotti.  

  7. Substitute the name John McCain in a Google  search  and you can get  a new perspective !  

  8. When he goes into Pakistan looking for Bin Laden he will start one heck of a war.

  9. If you're really concerned for the US, you would not even consider voting another Repuglican into office. They have put us deeply in debt, lost our international friends, trashed our Constitution, and stolen the last two elections--in Florida and in Ohio. Wake up, America!  

  10. relax why do you think yall gonna get killed  

  11. Isnt this whats written in the Kuran and is the main philosphy of Allah and the Muslim religion?

  12. You're scaremongering. Nothing more, nothing less.

  13.   McCain is more likely to get us killed. He already wants to take on Russia. Russia, like us really does have WMD's, such as 50 megaton nuclear warheads. Why does he want to take us back to the cold war. Cause he's stuck in the past.

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