
Barack obama is indeed a muslim who memorizes most of the koran, says the n.y. times

by Guest67001  |  earlier

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i could not believe that the new york times last week confirmed that barack obama likens the muslim holy call to the sweetest sound imaginable and that he has memorized most of the key verses of the koran. why does he continue to hide from the facts that he recieved muslim instructions. especially after the new york times has confirmed this only this week. are there white liberals who work for the times who may not want him in high office. why else would such a liberal paper report this on a democratic candidate. this is rare indeed.




  1. I can't find this story at either the NEW YORK TIMES or at the Limbaugh website.  Is it possible you fell for one of Limbaugh's parodies?  He does do parody news sometimes.

  2. Memorizing the Koran doesn't make someone Muslim. It is good to know about other cultures and religions.

  3. what a load of c**p, no link liar

  4. i don't know

  5. Could not verify your claim! Please post your source!

  6. The NYT is a daily newspaper.  Saying "last week's" Times means nothing.

    You are wrong.  You are asserting that something is true, so it's up to you to substantiate it.

    The archives on the Times' website are searchable.  You can go to the website, and read every article that mentions Obama and Islam from "last week."  You will find you are wrong.  If you find something that substantiates you claim, then post it here.  

  7. Let me see your source please.

  8. I don't mean to defend Osama, I mean Obama but what difference does it make if he is a muslim or not.  Its not like he is a member of some terrorist organization or something.

  9. That is a bunch of bullish rhetoric. Where's your source on this, first of all. And secondly, what is wrong with learning something and knowing it? What we really need is a president who understands this stuff on their own and not depend on faulty intelligence. So what if he knows to Quaran, it doesn't make him islamic. By Bush speaking Chinese and Russian make him a black-sheep to the country? Let alone he is made the country worse as it has ever been in 70 years.

    What I don't understand are people, like yourself, who first criticize him being islamic, yet we see a month-long video of Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright and criticize him on the aspect of his CHRISTIAN religion. Give me a break. The man deserves his chance in making this nation better. McSame is just who he is...the same policies and the same republican turmoil that makes this country worse.  

  10. I'm not saying your source is flawed because I don't make decisions that easily but I would have one question to raise.  If Barack Obama did indeed hold this opinion and if he did memorise the Koran, the only person who will know that is himself and he would be more sensible than to admit it.  So the question must be asked, what is the NY Times' source?  There have been so many smear campaigns based on no factual evidence in the past that it would be very foolish indeed to put any faith in stories like this without weighing them up rationally.

    Given that Barack Obama has written in detail about his past, it is easy for anyone to tell that he is not a Muslim and also to see exactly how short-sighted people can jump to that conclusion - simply because while visiting his ancestral African home, he has dressed in the traditional garb of the country, which are also worn by Muslims over there.

    Honestly though, this reminds me of the Ben & Jerry's ad that was pulled because the girl on it wore a black and white tassled scarf.  It was a normal scarf but unfortunately Muslim's happen to wear something similar including some of the terrorists in videos and this offended a certain type of person.

    Using this logic one must associate all military persons as being terrorists because they wear camouflage and everyone can point to terrorists who do that!  Or even more similar to the Barack Obama scenario, everyone who wears shoes should be called a Muslim seeing as how they wear shoes.  Or less facetiously, everyone who wears a robe should be termed a Muslim because some of them wear this common item of tropical or desert clothing that actually has nothing to do with religion - Oh wait... that IS what happened!!!

    Just because journalists jump on the bandwagon, doesn't make it so.  However, perhaps it is but not based on anything I've seen because anyone who knows anything about geography or anthropology or culture knows that cultures overlap.  So people of all cultural breakdowns in a particular area will act and dress in a distinctly different way to their equivalents in other areas.

    I'd also say that, even if it IS true that he were a Muslim, aside from the issue of his lying about it which would indeed be serious, as much wrong has been done in the name of Christianity as much as Islam in the past.  What you need from a presidential candidate is policy and morality, neither of which should have anything to do with religion according to the founding fathers and common sense and anyone who has read a religious text and can see that there are too many laws that are immoral in this day and age.  As far as I can see Barack Obama is true to the real values of the US constitution and founding fathers and his morality appears to be more along these lines than of any of the recent fundamentalist Christian ignorance and bigotry and discrimination so for me, I couldn't care less if he were a Muslim because at the end of the day he espouses common sense and morality.  At least he appreciates that America has to change from acting like a bully and ostracising itself from the rest of the world as it has been under Bush.

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