
Baracks chance to make Bush look good.?

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Does anyone actually think that George made decisions on his own. I cant for the life of me imagine that he had the final say. I bet they just put stuff on his desk and said "Hey George, sign this and we'll tell you what to say about it later." Please give me examples of what you think Barack could do that will to us in a worst situation than we are in now. Im will vote for Barack, but I doubt that will stop anyone from venting hard as possible. If Hillary would have won the nomination, I'd for her in the heartbeat too.




  1. obama will increase the cap and trade tax which will send up the price of goods further. He doesn't want to drill, so he won't do anything about the price of oil. He wants to increase the capital gains tax, which can only hurt the economy. His socialized health care plan will also raise taxes. He wants to weaken our military and national defense.  

  2. My first inclination is to remind people that Bush has made terrorists our enemy.....

    The fact that Barack Obomba chose to launch his political career at the home of an unrepentant terrorist raises more questions about Senator Obama's judgment.

    This reminds me that Obomba is America's enemy

  3. He'd have to do something pretty drastic to make him look worse than Bush right now...

  4. You liberals have been listening and watching the liberal press too long and they have distorted your reality..... one quick question for you libs. If George Bush was disliked by so much and by so many Americans how does he get 53% of the vote during the middle of a suppose unpopular war in the last election if one would listen to liberals he could not have won office for dog catcher.... you poor deluded demented souls

  5. I think you asked that backwards.........

    no matter who is elected, they will look good becuase of how low Bush has place the bar for the Presidency.

  6. i do agree with you totally im a clinton fan but obama cant do any worst than the drunk bush. he has alot of cleaning up to do and it wont be done overnight.

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