
Barbaro: A Nation's Horse, why isn't it playing! It is still a hockey time that went OT!! Please read.....

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that thing about barbaro! it's still a hocky game that went OT. wil they stil play the thing about barbaro? i really wanna see it!




  1. I was so mad!! After the hockey game they said "Barbaro" would be rescheduled for Friday,May 4th at 9.00 pm ET.Man O Man I was so disappointed!!! Today would have been Barbaro's 4th birthday.Every time I think about him I cry.I know the tv special will make me cry too.

  2. I am sorry, Melissa- this is only too typical of NBC. As I told you a couple of weeks back, this is a network that has a terrible reputation where horse sports are concerned- and this includes racing, unfortunately. NBC's bad publicity has done more damage to some of the Olympic horse sports than almost anything else I can think of- and why should racing be any different. The people who run this network could care less about people's feelings- they run their lives by and worship only one thing-the almighty dollar. If it doesn't pay the bills or bring in the sponsors, NBC doesn't air it unless they have to. That's sad, but it's true. This special also came at the end of a rather rough week- I am sure you are aware of the awful situation in Virginia, with the shootings there. Perhaps that had something to do with why they didn't air the special. At any rate, I'm sorry about it.

  3. Unfortunately, the Barbaro special will not be shown today. The hockey game takes centre stage and all other shows are put on hold. I did find out that it will be rebroadcast on May 4 at 9pm on CNBC.

  4. Get over it, hockey is more important than some stupid racehorse.  It will be shown at a later date.

  5. It will be on CNBC on Friday at 9pm.  Send an e-mail to NBC and tell them how you feel.  Next Saturday they have a hockey game in the afternoon before the Derby so be vocal now!

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