
Barbie has a baby... who is the father?

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I saw the Barbie doll in the store with a baby included but no man. Father sold separately! What message is Mattel sending to our little girls?




  1. who even cares? no one even thinks about it like that unless they are obesessed with Barbie. which is hopefully no one. ugh

  2. Barbie does not have a baby, it was her friend Midge, who is married to Allen. Midge was married to Allen around 1965, Barbie never had a baby, and if it wasnt midge it was most like babysitter Barbie or I Can Be... Baby photographer Barbie or Barbie also has a baby sister named Krissy, did you read the box or anything? Or did you just glance at it in the store? Barbie does not have a baby.

  3. I think that you are totally over analyzing the entire thing.  Barbie's life is whatever the little girl wants it to be.  Whomever is in the fantasy world of the person playing could be the father.  It might even change daily, depending on WHO is playing and where their imagination leads them.

  4. Ken is probably the father...wait.....was that a rhetorical question???? The Barbie Doll alone sends out a bad message to little girls. All the skinny legs and arms and all gives them bad self esteem. Some girls see Barbie dolls as their role models too!

  5. bratz dolls are somewhat better, they haven't been knocked up yet thank heavens, and if ever a mommy brat came out, with all the bratz boyz its difficult to know who the father was!

  6. ken knocked her up..LOL...but seriously ppl kno our kids like barbies and babies now thier adding them guess is ppl are trying to get kids to ask how the baby was made with the childrens favorite mateirials

  7. Barbie does not have a baby, her best friend Midge has a husband, a son named Ryan & a baby.

    Midge & Alan were married in the 1980's or ealry 1990's, not the 1960's. There was an entire gift set done that included Midge & Alan, Barbie was Maid of Honor & Ken was the Best Man.

    The Happy Family line featured Midge, Alan, their children, Midge's parents & several other neighborhood families & was discontinued  a few years ago.

    Barbie does not give girls a bad self image, girls are smart enough to know that Barbie is a toy. Idiotic parents & trashy tv shows/movies/pop singers are the chief reasons that girls have a bad self image. Girls don't look at Barbie as a role model, they are looking at Paris Hilton, the Pussycat Dolls & Hannah Montana as role models, none of whom are true role models for young girls.

    I have worked retail for nearly 20 years & the comments I hear MOTHERS make to their daughters go a long way toward explaning why girls have self image & body issues.

    Just recently, a mother in the children's department that I manage told her 7 or 8 year old daughter "why do you like that dress, it is so little girl looking." Hello, you idiot, a 7 year old IS a little girl.

    When I got my new glasses a few months ago, I overheard a mother trying to talk her daughter (who was in elementary school) into getting contacts instead of glasses because "boys don't like girls who wear glasses." Why in the world does a girl that young need to be concerned about what boys like? For that matter, why does any girl at any age need to be concerned about what boys think?

    I have had mothers in wanting to buy padded bras, high heeled shoes & makeup for 12 year olds. What is up with that?

    Barbie is the least of our worries when it comes to our children. Better parenting is the key. Parents need to turn  off the tv, computer, Nintendo, etc & actually spend time with their kids. It would make a world of difference.

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