
Barcelona Airport to Sitges by train?

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What's the best way to get from Barcelona Airport to Sitges?

If I take the train do I have to go to Sants then change there or is there a quicker way? Also, is there a direct bus from the airport to Sitges?

What time is the last train from Barcelona to Sitges?




  1. I got a taxi, think it was about £20, cant help with trains/ buses. Loved Sitges though

  2. The best way is by taxi but it costs about €40.

    As for train, last time I did it, I changed at Prat de LLobregat. The station has been modernised so you don't get wet but you have to wait 20 minutes at Prat for the Sitges train.  You will find local buses at Sitges station. Local taxis are expensive.

    Remember that a taxi will take you to the door, the train will not.

    There is a bus from  the airport to Sitges but the service is hourly and you may have to ask where the bus goes unless you want to end up somewhere else! Ask at the airport information desk just in case the frequency has changed not that autumn is here.

    The last train BCN to Sitges used to be 22.30 hrs but a night train has started. According to the local paper it has been a complete disaster as it was packed out.

    Check for availability.As of today, the last train leaves Barcelona Sants at Midnight.

    (Note: Open '' - click on 'selecione una opcion' - then click on 'Barcelona' and  you are into the Barcelona local train timetables).

    Sorry to be so vague but the timetables are changing from autumn to winter and times may change.

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