
Barcelona Trip - What to do

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Am taking my bf to Barcelona for his 21st birthday in September. I am trying to change the date of the trip so we are there for a football game but I would appreciate anybody that would offer a list of things that you feel HAVE to be done in the 3 days I am there.

Any info u could offer would be soooo helpful.





  1. You can get the must sees from just about anywhere.

    You have to have at least one really nice seafood meal.  Being right on the ocean, with the Boqueria right there, you will get the freshest you´re likely to get just about anywhere.

    Go to the Cafe de la Opéra.  it´s across the Ramblas from the Opera...about halfway up hill (ocean at your back) on the right.) for churros and chocolate.

    On that note, The Chocolate Factory is much less visited than other places, but we thought it was pretty cool, and the gift shop was delicious!  (we had hot chocolate there, too).

    And along the Ramblas, there are, like two or three to a block, the best ice cream shops.  Everything is fresh, made on premesis (at least it tasted like it was).  

    And Happy Birthday.

  2. I live in Barcelona,I´m spanish :

    To annotate:


    El Mercat de la Boqueria

    El Zoo

    El Tibidabo


    La Sagrada Familia

    El Barri Gòtic

    El Museo de Cera

    El Camp del Barça

    Les Rambles

  3. I just spent 3 days in Barcelona and it was absolutely fabulous. Definitely try to go to a FC Barcelona soccer game, I went (of course, we sat in the nosebleeds) but it was so fun! If you're not able to attend the game, try to visit the stadium, it really is enormous and very cool to actually see in person. Also, you have to go to Parc Guell, which is Gaudi's park, absolutely gorgeous and there's a lot to do there (surprisingly!) pack a lunch and eat it there with a bottle of wine! Yum! Also, you have to check out Sagrada Familia, the huge cathedral. It's absolutely gorgeous and it's a main attraction of Barcelona. Also, there's a museum completely devoted to Picasso, which is very cool. And, there's a beach which, if you want to relax is great. There's so many things to do in Barcelona, you're absolutely going to love it!  

  4. go shopping, theres lots of stores and europeans are always a few years ahead of americans in fashion

  5. Hey, I´m a 21 year old English girl and I´ve lived in Barcelona for the last year... from experience and watching people come and go i´d say that the Gaudi stuff is pretty important to do...

    Parc Guell, Sagrada Familia (even if you don´t go up/in, you have to be able to say that you´ve seen La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona....)

    You have to walk along La Rambla, the main street in Barcelona... the football stadium is pretty cool, especially if hes into football....    go to the beach, cos it´ll still be pretty hot. Maybe go up to Montjuic and one evening go and see the magic fountains of montjuic.

    Just generally walk around and have fun and get a feel for the city

  6. Barcelona is beautiful, you will both have a great time. You will see a list of attractions at the tourism at:

  7. hi.i have been to barcelona for the last 3 years and think you will be impressed!!!it is must do the bus tour,the zoo and aquarium!the zoo has a dolphin show on that is fantastic to watch....sure you will have a fantastic time.enjoy

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