
Barcelona: where is there a good self-service laundromat near a major metro stop?

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We are in Barcelona traveling - far off the tourist path, near the end of T3 tram (past the big soccer stadium). Can someone recommend a self-service laundromat on or near T3 tram or at another major metro in Barcelona?




  1. There is a self service laundromat inside the Icaria Mall which is located nearby the Metro L4 (Citudella).  Or, the 36, 41, or 14 bus will take you directly to the back entrance of the mall.  (As a bit of side information, inside this mall there is also a cinema with 15 screens that show many movies in English.)  Hope this information helps you.  This is pretty far from where you are, but it is the only laundromat we knew of.

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