
Barclays and Halifax Stockbroker deals?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, im a total newbie to this strange world of shares and trading, im only soon to be 18.

I've been looking at these deals Barclays and Halifax have. it says i have to pay £11.95 for Real-time online sales for all shares, same with real-time buying for all shares.

Now is this £11.95 some kinda monthly fee or do i have to pay £11.95 with each time i buy or sell something?




  1. That means that you pay the fee (of £11.95) every time you make a trade (buy, sell, short, etc...).

    Ex: buy 50 shares of X at £10/share =>

    £500+£11.95=£511.95 will be taken from your account.

    If you sell them the next day for

    £15/share =>£750-£11.95= £738 will be deposit in your account.


    250-11.95-11.95= 226.10

    After fees you made £226.10.

    They will always charge the fee even when you lose money.

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