
Bare Egg Drop?

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I have to make a container that will keep a bare egg from breaking when the egg is dropped into the container. Any ideas?




  1. The idea is to slow down the egg in as long of a time span as possible. This will give you the lowest deceleration an therefore the lowest maximum force on the egg. How do you do that? I'd probably go with a combination of a soft foam layer on top of a harder foam layer. The soft foam will slow it down partially while the hard foam will take over once the velocity has diminished somewhat. But here's an "out of the box" idea... can you fill your container with water and put a foam layer on the bottom? Just an idea to get you thinking.

  2. get foam filler from a DIY store and cover the egg in that.

    will survive anything.

  3. From how high?

    Like TR said, the idea is to break the fall without breaking the egg.  To do this you need a combination of cushion and tension.  Water might be good.  Feathers perhaps?  A soft pillow?

    Get a 5 gallon bucket and a trash can liner.  Take a rubber band and place it around the liner toward the bottom so it serves as a sort of funnel to break the fall of the egg.  You could even fill it with water.  Give it a shot.

  4. Use a miniature basket ball net (the legging from a very small pair of stockings can be substituted) to catch the egg in the container and in the container use some of that thermal foam they use for mattresses.

    The more you are allowed to control the drop the easier the task becomes.

  5. soak the egg in vinegar instead...

  6. egg is a strong material for it's surfaces. but if it drop it will break, so i suggest to take a foam or something like Styrofoam. but there's always a package for egg in department store maybe you should ask them where to get something to protect eggs in big number of egg in one container.
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