
Barely Second Day and people starting c**p...I Need help badly????

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ok so its barely the second day of skoo and people are already starting c**p with me and my crew.....what should i do any ideas????





  1. LOSE the crew thats why you got problems!! Put your nose in a book and learn somthin, quit worryin bout what ppl say and think, GET AN EDUCATION so i dont have to feed you and 5 kids some day on welfare from my tax dollar's!!

  2. Move over here to Philadelphia and see what happens!! If any of you ever seen "Lean on Me" the movie with Morgan is a regular EASTSIDE HIGH!!! ...anyway just ignore them then let the administration know!!

  3. No need to be so concerned about people starting c**p. c**p stirrers go nowhere in life. They will always be minimum wagers.

    It's school. Learn as much as you can so you can get a better job than these people. When you are their boss someday, revenge will be yours when you make them kiss your @ss!

    Study. improve. achieve.  

  4. ignore and walk the better person

  5. get a bigger crew

  6. i would try simply ignoring those who irritate you. my mom always said the best revenge in life is to live well and be happy! just go about your day happy and don't let them bother you this will upset them more than if you fight back. if they can see that they are getting to you they will be encouraged to continue their crud. if it becomes serious than maybe you ought to consider speaking to a teacher you can trust and ask that teacher if they would facilitate a sit down with everyone involved. than i would speak your mind to these people and let them know you and your friends won't tolerate being harassed and that the teacher will give detentions if they don't stop. don't worry about being a "rat" or what have you. because doing this is your right! you have the right to go to school and to not be bothered or made to feel uncomfortable in school. it takes more courage to take a stand than to fight back and bring yourself down to their level. when they yell out something ... just smile, laugh and walk away! it worked for me.

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