
Barf question!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i threw up all over my bf's brother! i was having dinner @ his house, and his mom made mashed potatoes. I don't like mashed potatoes, but i ate them anyway, trying to be nice. then i barfed all over the table, and his brother!!!! i ran out the door and havn't talked to my bf in 3 days. should i have stayed and helped clean up my barf?




  1. Have they tried to call you?  If someone barfed after eating my food I would see the humor in it. lol.. would my family.

  2. ahhh oh my god, that sucks so bad. i'm so sorry. but yeah, you probably should have stayed and helped, though it would have been a little embaressing and i'm sure you just wanted to get out of there as fast as you could, it's just gonna make it ten times harder to ever go back. but just call or something and apologize, i'm sure they'll understand. i mean how mad can they be that you got sick? good luck!

  3. If this is a true story, then yes you should have cleaned up your mess and apologized profusely for ruining the meal.

  4. I know you don't see the humor in it yet, but now I am having fantasies about puking on my husband's sister.   Thanks for the giggle.   Promise me you will name the first baby after the brother.
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