
Barking dogs, has anyone used an ultrasonic control?

by Guest44883  |  earlier

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I have 2 neighbours, both with nuisance barkers, I have spoken to them both and for a time it will be reduced, only to resume after a couple of weeks, from 6:30 am to 10:00 pm.

I see that ultrasonic controls are available, although why I should have to buy one defeats me.

Has anyone used one? are they effective? do they have to be line-of-sight?would an ultrasonic whistle do the job?

Any help appreciated, or any other ideas.

Oh, and one them also has 3 cats which are currently decimating this years fledglings, animal lovers or what?




  1. i feel your pain im going through the same although its only in the day but still annoying, i was going to buy one but i heard that they dont always work, so please if you get a result with your question let me know !!

    Get some ear plugs if your going to bed early they are a godsend :)

  2. My son-in-law had the same problem...with his dog. He got 3 tickets from the city for the constant barking. He finally got one of those "shock" collars. When the dog barks, it gets a small shock to the neck. It is working great and the dog doesn't bark "at all" now. You might want to suggest it to your neighbors. Your city may also issue citations for the constant barking,,,,,especially at night. I'd call and find out.

  3. I'm told that after a time the animals get used to the sonic sound, im not sure if that's true or not?    

    i did find this   it may help

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