
Barn gossip?

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Okay so I just recently decided I'm going to switch barns. My old trainer just completley TRASHED the new trainer I'm going to, and said she was horrible and two faced and that there's not a worse place I could go to. I rode with her and I don't think that at all. I think the opposite actually.

The new trainer has definatley had more experience than my old trainer, in different areas of riding (dressage and jumping) and has jumped 5'.

So the point is should I believe my old trainer? Or is she just jealous?

Thanks! And sorry I didn't know where else to put this because they don't have a horse back riding section in sprts (GRR)




  1. Well whatever reason you are changing barns for I would just go on and do it. You have no idea what history there is between the trainers - for all you know they could have been sworn enemies since high school. Don't let it affect your decision - ride with the new trainer and make your own mind up as to which one you prefer.

    Personally I think it is rather childish and unprofessional of your old trainer to behave in this way.

  2. You should move on from the old trainer. You never know there could be a past between those two ooo :O

  3. Well, sounds to me like it's time to move on.  Every trainer/coach should understand that there is a time and place in which students will 'outgrow' their teaching abilities.  Some students will learn better from other coaches just on their preferred learning styles and experiences also.  I would say it is time to leave this coach if she is going to throw a temper tantrum at you leaving.  I had a barn owner do this once and was overly happy to get out of that barn!!

  4. I wouldn't care what the old trainer said, if you need to grow and experience other training/teaching methods, go. To trash the other trainer about being two faced, who cares? Personalities shouldn't enter into it. You are going to learn and become better. Sounds as if no one is very professional, how much are you paying for this railroading?

  5. the old trainer is just jealous

  6. It's never okay for a professional to trash another professional.  The problem in the world of riding instructors is that the professional standards that are in place when licensure is at stake just don't exist, since any hoo haa can call her/himself a riding instructor.

    Take your business elsewhere and be well rid of the first instructor who has proven herself to be lacking the quality to function as a professional anything.

  7. I think you should take the other instructors advice as a grain of salt.. Most instructors who are loosing a good client get upset their loosing money. I know you should go thier and watch a lesson. I just moved barns. The old barn manager was not very happy boarded two horses with her.. Sold my one to her and she is still down talking me 6 months later.. I think its lack of professionalisim and if their like that their not a good trainer. A good trainer would reccomend another trainer..

  8. I think your old trainer is probablly just jellious, I switched from one trainer to snother within my own barn and my trainer did not have the kindest word for me but now I am a MUCH better rider! You have to go with your gut because if your belive everything you hear about trainers in the horse world in the end there are no good ones because it is a person prefrence. Plus if you dont like it at the new barn just switch back, there's nothing wrong with that!

    P.S. now my old trainer has come to her senses and realizes that what she did was rude and we are still friendly!


  9. Do not go to the competetive barn.  It would be bad for you and your horse!!!  If you like the other place better, switch.  It sounds like your old trainer is jealous, and doesn't want to lose your money.  However, now that you've heard how mean she can be to other trainers, do you still want to be with her anyway???  Take another couple lessons with the new one, and if you like her better, change.  good luck!!

  10. sounds good XD

  11. Sounds to me, like you should just move on.

  12. the way i see it any trainer trrashes another trainer he/she is not a good trainer had a trainer that did that and i switched anyways and i whoop all the otehr kids asses that the old trainer trains still..MWUAHHAHAHAHAH
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