
Barrack Obama Bill O'Reilly Tonight?

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==From Fox News ====


Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama enters the No Spin Zone for the first time ever! Don't miss this 'Factor' event!


This is something Barrack said he would never do. He even sent one of his so called henchmen to the Interview with Sean Hanity. Barrack's henchman lost.

Now Barrack is going into the lion's den in a move that copies Hillary Clinton.

As Hillary knows now, had she done this earlier, she would have been the democrat nominee because after her O'Reilly interview, her popularity shot up big time.

To the liberals and democrats if you watch, you will find out that Bill is extremely fair with his questions. But he won't let him beat around the bush by say a bunch of empty words. But like Hillary, he will get some special treatment like the interview won't be done at the TV set desk.

Watch it with an open mind. Most of the people I talk to that don't like Fox news turns out never watch For news.

And now for the question to make this Y/A legal.

For Barrack to finally be doing this, is he nervous of Palin?




  1. Thanks to Palin he knows he is going to lose. He is just throwing his hate into the next election.

  2. Bill O Reilly is a racist and an idiot.  He never lets his guests speak. He just keeps talking and interrupts them when they try to talk so he can look like hes winning the argument and everytime he has someone on his show, it does turn into an argument because hes a jerk and knows that arguments equal ratings.

  3. I noticed that Obama would only agree to this interview on the night McCain gets the nomination. That is the type of politics Obama plays.

    Bill rip him up

    McCain Palin 08


  4. He's shakin in his boots. And we're about to see just how much of a clue Obama DOESN'T have.  

  5. Given that Palin was picked because of her 'born-again' creds, and McCain really needs the Jesus freak vote and Palin may prop up that segment, of course Obama is concerned.  I suspect he's concerned for his presidential aspirations, but if he's like me and 100 million other American wage-earners he's concerned for his country.  Should the GOP's high command get another four years of another 'Bush' administration nothing good will accrue to 'our' country.  What do you think the concept of 'globalization' is all about?  It's about those that 'own' the globe.  Trans-national corporations now have more power and influence than most of the countries in the world.  Do you think they put the fortunes of the American worker first?  No they don't.  Given that the Republican party is now the stooge of corporate power and influence, and that power and influence has zero feelings for the American wage-earner exactly what will another GOP government bring to the table?  Answer:  If you're an American wage-earner...bupkis!  Let's be real, unless 'our' political leaders start worrying about 'we the people', there will be no 'we the people' to worry about.  The US working class will be reduced to the level of the Mexican peon and the Chinese coolie.  To me, that's not a good trade off for banning abortion and putting g**s back in the closet.  Give it a think!  

  6. Will Bill O'Reilly be using his butt-plug during the interview?

  7. Of course he is nervous of Palin. Her speech was amazing last night and it's the talk of the USA today. Every person who watched it was amazed by her.

    Obama is attempting to take the wind out of her sails by sitting down with Bill O'Reilly.

    On another note, some of the people in the crowd last night that were booing Fox News had never even watched it. Just shows you how the liberal media can brainwash dim people into hating things.

  8. one thing i've noticed about bill....when he gets a "hard-to-appear" guest, he tends to softball them.  i'll be watching, but i do not expect him to do the job he normally does.

  9. This is a bad week for Obama.

  10. He isn't nervous of Palin at all. THis is a seal the deal move.  

  11. I don't think he is nervous of Palin at all.  When it comes down to it...  Biden will go against Palin and he will send her packing.  She only did well last night because it was a scripted speech.  Wait till she has no prior knowledge of the questions... and has to answer off the cuff... that is when Biden will destroy her.

    The conservative pundits are more nervous... (

  12. I cannot wait.  I am such an O'Reilly fan.  Bill has been trying to get Obamabrat on for a LONG time, with no response.  I think BO was finally kinda shamed into it.

    Bill will treat him fairly, but he will hold nothing back.  That's what he does.

    Can't wait!!!!!

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