
Barrack Obama Question?

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How often does Obama actually talk about the issues, and not just that it is just more of the same, and their needs to be change?

I'm serious, I want to know how often he is not attacking McCain, or sticking to trivial or petty things.




  1. And Palin discussed issues last night??

    Obama totally explained what he intends to do and how during his amazing speech last week.

    Maybe you should listen.

  2. Have you been paying attention the Republican Convention -- all they've done is attack Obama, and said nothing about the issues.

    Read Obama's 64-page blueprint, which has been available for months.

  3. Ya got your question all inside-out.  It's McCain dat does dat.

  4.   I stopped listening to Obama, after he started talking about getting rid of the second amendment. The first thing any tyrant does is disarm the public, then you see his true colors come out.

    Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive


  5. He talks about issues all the time its just that you don't want to hear anything regarding issues, you just want to smear him

  6. he cant talk about what he wants to do.  he is stalling as long possible.  he wants to raise taxes through the roof.  no way he will win.  i hope he leaves the political scene.

  7. McCain attacks him and Barrak does talk about the issues.  He will change America.  My vote goes to Obama.

  8. Really, I agree, he really doesn't talk specifics, but I have read his website, and it's scary, very scary.

  9. He talks about them all the time.  However if you are relying on right wing pundits to tell you what Obama is talking about, I can see how you would be misinformed.

  10. Either your television is upside down or your glasses are backwards.  It's McCain/Palin that's been doing all of the attacking.

  11. He stumbles over everything he talks about.  Has only 140 hours in the Legislature, has not EVER made not even ONE executive decision.  He skips around issues and is not straight forward.  I feel people are voting for him for all the wrong reasons.  This election should not be about race or sexuality and those are two reasons people are voting for him.  We need to look at the real issues.  Where are we headed as a country.  Poeple need to do more research and listen to everything both canidates say before making a secesion.

  12. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that for those of us that are into more than just a rock star image, we'd be looking for more substantial information than those that are drunken with adoration from the kool-aid they so frequently consume.  It seems that his supporters are satisfied with words like 'change' vs. change what and how.  Maybe that's why he hasn't given us anything that we can sink our teeth into, his sheep don't require that of him, and he's seems perfectly satisfied with his messiah image and even smug about it.  I KNOW that he looks like the AntiChrist to me and that I'll be very fearful if he were to make it to the Oval Office.  Here comes Rev. Jeremiah Wright and God d**n America.   AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

  13. as often as McSame's team lets him but making another wild muslim/comunist/space Alien smear for him to put down

    Obama likes to talk about policy rep like to talk about obama with a few lies about winning the war mixed in there

  14. I can't remember who said it last night at the RNC, but Obama only talks about change... but in reality, there is good change, and there is bad change.  

    Obama doesn't mention what he's going to do or how he's going to do it... just that he WANTS change.  But how are we going to know if it's good or bad change if he doesn't talk about how he's going to do it???

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