
Barrel Racing hackamores?

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Does anyone know of any good hackamores for barrel racing?

Also My horse has had tounge damage and so ive been riding him in a jim warner hackamore at home (it's not enough to run him in though). How do i go about re-training him with the hackamore or a bitless bridle? Mainly softening up, rounding and collection.




  1. I run in a Little "S" Hackamore.

    I've used this on my huge, strong headed barrel horse and she did great. She actually runs better with the hackamore than she did with a bit. I now ride everything in it for trails, and most of my horses for competitions.

    Hope this helps!

  2. i also use a little S hack. i use it on my arab, who is really sane, but never ridden in a bit, and he does great. what i really like about it is that it is very mild when you want it to be, but has a lot of leverage if you want it. it has no pressure whatsoever on the horse's face when the reins are loose, but it can tighten if you want it to. a loose curb chain adds bend and flex, and a tight curb adds rate and stop. i really like it, and it might work for your horse, too.

  3. I like the Vosal(not meaning Bosal) better than a Hackamore. They go off the chin bone. Here is the link to the one I use, it is under the Hackamores. I use it on all mine! Hope this helps!

  4. Well, the Jim Warner hack is a good one.  But, he may always have something trigger a response anytime he's in an arena with barrels in front of him.  I'd take him trail riding and practice having him pay attention to you and your cues.  Without the distraction of barrels, he may start to be more responsive.

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