
Barrie and Koules chase feaster out??

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  1. This was bound to happen considering that it's common for new owners to force others out they feel will not meld with their plans for operating a team, business, etc.

    If anything the owners could have fired Feaster out but felt that what Jay did in Tampa for the team(such as winning a Cup in 2004) it was best to force him out without having anything negative (such as being fired) on his resume.

    Certainly winning a cup and turning a team around will be good later on when it comes time for him to take a new GM position when one comes available. Or maybe even a higher office position somewhere in the league that has that "win now" menatiality.

  2. i find this interesting, especially all of the moves the lightning have made

  3. i think Feaster took a very good hint.

    he was obviously not wanted in the system anymore. well not that he wasn't wanted, just not Needed.

    he made a very smart decision resigning from his post as GM of the Tampa Bay Lightning.

  4. Keep in mind, it is cheaper to have someone resign............than it is to fire them............and in this case, the new owners got their wish.

  5. I shot Jay an email a week or two ago concerning a recent Dan Boyle rumor that had surfaced. His reply?

    "[...] you have to speak with Brian Lawton, VP of Hockey Operations for the new owners, about those rumors. I honestly don't know the answers. Brian has been running Hockey Operations for the past week now and I really am not part of the inner management discussions. Thanks."

    Ever since the owner took full control, he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    It did.

  6. When the new ownership came in it was expected that both Torts and Feaster would be gone...the thought was you can't blame one without blaming the other.

    IF anyone stayed...BIG was thought that Feaster would and Torts definitely wouldn't.  It is no surprise to me however I did expect it to be sooner than later, I expected both him and Torts to be gone at the same time.

    2 other views to consider:

    1) It didn't happen right away because the new ownership (while they did want him gone) wanted to let him be the one to do it (resign) rather than be fired.  

    2) Nearly every Lightning fan you will ever meet has been waiting for Feaster to go for far too long now.  You really wont hear any sympathy from Lightning fans.

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