
Barry George - Predatory misogynist or "local nutter"?

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Barry George freed from jail for the murder of jill Dando but out again to harm other women?

Barry George has a string of serious s*x offenses, including rape, attempted rape, stalking, voyeurism, i.d theft, stealing the identity of a known SAS man and opening a bank account in that mans name, stalking princess Di (who looks similar to Jill Dando, caught on the premises of Princess Di's home with rope, mask and knife, assuming the identity of a police officer to engage in attempted rape.

Evidence against him for the murder including having a fiber of Dandos clothing on his clothing, a speck of gun ammo on him, he was seen in the area after her murder, he was obsessed with Jill Dando. Non of this evidence was disclosed in the 2nd trial.

The killing was no professional hit. No professional hit-man would knock on someone's door, broad daylight, make them kneel; and shoot them in the head. It had to be someone she knew and opened the door for him. Ie someone who lived in the area.

I'd advise ALL women living in the vicinity of Barry George to illegally buy mace or pepper spray and protect themselves from this sociopath.

This was no local nutter who "couldn't tie his shoe laces together", he obtained an SAS man's birth and marriage certificate and fraudulently opened a bank account in the SAS mans name! he was a T.A. member for almost a year, he photographed women and drew detailed maps of their route home and times. He is a calculating stalker and a possible murderer.




  1. A jury didn't agree with you, and they had access to all the relevant details and information!

    EDIT: The evidence that was withheld from the re-trial was unreliable and unsafe in legal terms.

    Oh, and I read very well thank you!

  2. He is neither, simply a man of indeterminate (limited) intelligence who lives a fantasy life.

    As for him being a rapist, that is complete twaddle.

    All evidence that could be verified was presented to the court.

  3. "Commander Simon Foy, head of Scotland Yard's homicide and serious crime command, said: "We are disappointed by the verdict but especially disappointed for Jill's family and friends. However, we respect the decision of the court."

    You can be reasonably sure Mr George will appear in the dock again and I think he has gotten off on a technicality, (this time).

    The police think they had their man, I would have to have been a jury member to form a different opinion and then it seems I would only be allowed to see selective evidence if I was.

    Broadly agree with you, a hitman would aim at the torso, head shots risk ricochets.

  4. but unlike you he was put before 12 peers and they found him not guilty, now what part of that dont you understand.

    a persons past convictions or dealings with the police are never told to a dury and we all know why, just coz a guy opend a bank account in a name that was not his does not make him a killer.

    you seem to over look the fact that all Mr George past mistermeiners where of a sexual nature yet where was the sexual thrill in the killing of Miss Dandos, there was nothing sexual about it not even a hint, so i think judging by your own words that rules Mr George out does it not ???

  5. I have to agree with Leon M He was in fact found guilty by a judge and jury and lost a couple of appeals. Its against the law to show a mans previous past history at a trail but I am sure that had the jury known ALL the facts there certainly would have been a guilty verdict.

  6. being a rapist doesn't make you a murderer

    he didn't kill jill dando

    just because you are guilty of one crime doesn't make you guilty of all crimes

    get a grip wise up use logic it will help ya buddy.

    any how what makes you such an expert on the matter have you read seen all the evidence interviewed witnesseses  and talked to people who knew barry & jill at the time?

    if you know he was guilty and you have the smoking gun, pardon the pun, why are you on-line telling us?  ring the cops or shut it

  7. I think i'll trust a judge and jury at the Old  Bailey with the evidence in front of them rather than some rant on Yahoo answers.

    You do not jail a man for a crime he didn't commit because he has a shady past, while the real killer walks the streets !!  

  8. leon,he is a murderer.from what ive read about him..did Barry.George,had a lie detector,at the time..probable not..but,if he was so clever,the lie detector,he would fool this,,because of his lack of emotional intelligences.mary.c.


  10. That's you opinion......He has been found innocent......Smarter minds than yours have concluded that....

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