
Barry hall(sydney swans), anyone annoyed?

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can you beleive that hes only got a 7 week ban? its ridiculous! he broke his arm so he has 5 - 6 weeks off for that so really he only has a one or 2 week ban, its stupid, hes got proffesional boxing training and he broke his oponents jaw...ban him for the season, it is totally unacceptable for him to be alowd to play again so soon!!




  1. it was uncalled for what he did i dont follow football, but i saw the footage on the news, the other guy tackled him, he Barry back handed him , the when the ball was clear he turned around and punched him for no reason, the poor guy never even saw it coming. he is a bully

  2. Firstly he was only a junior amateur boxer.

    7 weeks is a big hole in any players year considering what they go through pre-season.

    Baz went through groin surgery, eye correction and repairs to his breathing, plus all the hard yakka on the track.

    Yes, the actual incident is unacceptable as Baz has admitted himself.

    However you can't crucify a bloke for a spur of the moment thing, and do we know the real truth.  What did Staker do or say prior to the event?

    If you made a two second stuff up at work would you accept being dismissed from work for a year?

    Same thing.

  3. Hall is a dog but you will find plenty of people in here standing up for him but you might also notice they need to spout Aussie vernacular in an effort to prop up their weak argument and hide their real agenda... an obvious love of violence.

    e.g. 'it happens in Footy', 'it used to be a man's game', 'havago' etc.

  4. OMGGG yes

    an ordinary person has to go to court if they slapped someone

    but ooohh no if its someone with a status thats done worse than a slap dusnt even have to go to court

    this word is gheyy. like for example, fotty players get paid thousands and thousands, while people volunteering in 3rd world countries with sick children get nothing.

    its craaazy

  5. i think the it was fair. I think everyone is making a too bigger deal of it! ffs the games gone soft!!!! bring back the biff!!!!!!

  6. Yeah ... I thought he'd get 8

  7. i agree, he should have gotten more weeks out of the game... i am glad that waters had a good word to him and i think the eagles were goin hard at him for the rest of the game, and ofcourse hes going to except the 7 weeks out when really its 1 for the hit... it should be a years suspension.

  8. i thought it was reasonable

  9. I'm over all this bazza stuff, he done it, he copped his whack, 7 weeks is plenty for belting someone.

  10. Yes. I'm annoyed that he only got 7 weeks. I wish he'd been rubbed out for the rest of the season.

  11. Hall did not break Stakers jaw, Staker has a headache from the incident and that's the only ongoing injury caused by the punched... Halls apologised, copped it sweet and apologised again... We all stuff up just ask Cousins... Some make a "habit" of it... Halls broken wrist was a separate incident and if it hadn't of happen would still be serving a 7week ban.. totally agree wit Jai, lets move on with some more nutritious issues!

  12. It has been said and will probably be said again, Hall has accepted it and moved on, the AFL has accepted it, decided on a punishment that their policies and rules dictate and who really cares what the WCE, Staker and his mummy and daddy think it is finished, decided on and that is it.

    Come on footy fans there is more happening in the game other than this issue, who has read that the ban on Cousins is in doubt because the VFL are trying to get him to play this season isn't that an issue that should be discussed, but yet again this is another WCE issue so while Barry is coping it in the neck for something that is finished an ongoing issue is being ignored.

    Lets start debating the form of the doggies, hawks and cats, when are they going to have their form slumps or are they, what has happened to the two WA teams, what are the issues surrounding the two new AFL teams.

    insight....: you forgot another one "Bring back the Biff".

  13. It is ridiculous - he should have got 3-4 weeks.

    To start with, he only hit a West Coke player. That's like hitting a Collingwood player - who cares. They are all drugged to the eyeballs, Staker probably thought he'd had a shot early.

    Second, if Staker wasn't so soft and had a glass jaw, it wouldn't have looked so bad.

    Third - I think elbows are far worst than fists. If they are going to stop something in the game, it should be elbows.

    Fourth, the AFL want Barry back on the field for the rematch in Perth. It will be a sellout and probably another thrashing for the poor Eagles.

  14. Yea i totally agree with you dude. he should be banned for the season. i totally cracked it when they said he was only banned for 7 weeks, thats nothing!

  15. Yes the whole season or life ban would be better. DIE BARRY HALL DIE.

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