
Bartenders: What annoys you the MOST when your working?

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is it when a customer orders a mojito when its the busiest night of the week? name anything that annoys you as a bartender :)




  1. Men that are drunk that hit on ME!!

    People who stay in the bar and order drink after drink after drink for hours on end..and tip like $1

    when they sit at the bar and buy me drink after drink after drink and they wont take no for an answer

    when they sit at the bar and stare at me

    when they sit at the bar and occupy space and DON't ORDER anything =[[

    also when people start fights just to be ''cool''

  2. Since you mentioned mojitos, frozen drinks and mint juleps also have to make that list.  In addition...

    People who see you are clearly getting your *** kicked and have the nerve to wave their hand at you, as if you are ignoring them.

    Servers who constantly ring in drinks without the modifiers and want to verbally tell you... also while getting your *** kicked.

    Quizzing you about every specialty martini and mixed drink for ten minutes... only to order a Miller Lite bottle.

    People who sit at the bar while the restaurant is on a wait and take up three barstools, drinking WATER.

  3. I bartend at a corporate restaurant chain.  I hate when we go on a wait and people bring their kids up to the bar to sit and eat.  I don't think the bar, with all the drunk colorful language, is really appropriate for them.  Plus, they always require things I must leave the bar to get: kid cups with lids, booster seats, crayons.

    Since I work at said chain, I'm required to make the drinks for the rest of the restaurant.  We have a lot of flavored teas and lemonades in addition to bar drinks, so sometimes I can't even turn my back on the screen to talk to my own guests!  That is probably the worst...trying to greet the people who are less than a foot away from you but you're three pages deep in flavored lemonades.

    EDIT:  To "go on a wait" means that the hostesses have started giving out pagers and telling people it'll be 15, 20, 25, etc minutes.

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