
Bartenders do you judge a customer by what drink they order?

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if so, what kind of things do the different drinks denote?




  1. we do judge sometimes and alot of times we can look at someone and guess what kind of drink they will order.  

    If you were a guy and ordered a pina colada we will laugh at you  also if you order smirnoff ice we laugh too. but the kicker is to be a guy and order smirnoff ice and put grenadine in it we definitly think you are retarded.

    we also frown upon customers that order a drink and say make it strong or make sure their is liquor in it.  (do you think we pride ourselves in making drinks with no liquor, that makes us look stupid)  My advice tip good and order whatever you want.  If you tip bad your service and drinks will suffer

    long island ice teas are definetly considered red neck or just for people who dont know what to order. I dont really care who orders what just tip

  2. it probably has more to do with the tip you give..

  3. As a bartender that bartended for nine years...yes.

    See the source I found you...

    I always thought that Long Island Tea drinkers were lame and had no class.  That is my personal opinion though....(Didn't see the guy above's post....not meant to be an insult)

  4. Wow I ain't a bartender but I can only imagine the thoughts that go into bartenting. having been a hack driver for many years I have seen my share of drunks in bars. A bartender has a 2 part job. Part one is he needs to know his stuff. And he needs to keep his stuff organized. He needs to know his clientel also. What do you mean I am drunk? You didn't say that 4 hours ago when I came in here. LOL! I can only imagine the kinds of thangs these barkeeps have to endure.

    Custmer: Give me a Klondike! Whats a Klondike? Thats a beer and a glass of ice with some goldenslager in it :D

  5. i'm not a bartender but my friends uncle is... he made fun of me one night for drinking a long island... he said it's considered a black mans drink, not that it matters i'm not racist... but maybe he is or that's some stereotype of long islands

  6. I have been a bartender for 20 years. Not a whole lot surprises me. I cant say that I judge people by what they drink. I do notice that age has allot to do with what they order. Older people order drinks like Rusty Nails,Gray Hounds, and Harvey Wallbangers. Young people order Jolly Ranchers, Cosmopolitans, and Mojitos.

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