
Bartenders who know what a negroni is?

by Guest67148  |  earlier

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i went to a fairly popular bar the other day and had heard about this drink using campari called a negroni i went to the bartender and asked for it and he didnt know what it was. my question is is the negroni not as popular or known in america or was that a lame bartender. ps the bar was in los angeles




  1. Negroni cocktail is made of 1 part gin, 1 part vermouth, and 1 part bitter (normally Campari). It is considered an apéritif, or a pre-dinner cocktail intended to stimulate the appetite.

  2. Negroni Cocktail recipe

    1 oz gin

    1 oz sweet vermouth

    1 oz Campari bitters

    Stir with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass 3/4 filled with cracked ice. Add a splash of soda water if desired. Garnish with a half slice of orange.

  3. I've never heard of it, and I try to experiment with something new every time I go out.

    I've had to tell bartenders how to make drinks before that I've wanted (a Melon Spritzer for example).  They don't mind; it gives them something to add to their repertoire.  Just be sure to carry the recipe (that someone else has kindly provided) and let them have a little fun with it.

  4. Love Negronis in the summer - great drink! You have the recipe, but I prefer to use 2 oz. Campari instead of the sweet vermouth.

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