
Bartending age in montana?

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i was just about to sign up for the minnesota school of bartending course fee of about 350 dollars but the thing is im 18 and yeahh i know the age to bartend in minnesota is 18 but next fall i will be going to school in montana and thought that a bartenders liscence would help allot! with making a substantial amount of money durring school and i just found out that the age in montana is 21 does any one know of any acceptions to this regulation please help!!!




  1. I've known people to be work in bars below the age of 21 in Montana. However, I don't know if they were cocktail waiters/waitresses or full-time bartenders.

    Your best bet is to call the county courthouse (for UM, that's Missoula County, for MSU, Gallantin, and for Carroll, Lewis and Clark County) and ask about the specific laws, because I tried to find them online for you and wasn't successful.

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