
Base or normal?

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what type of guitar should i learn base or normal

answer the below in detail for best answer

which one is the cheapest base or normal.

which is the easiest to learn

which sounds better

*(optional to answer this seperate question)

is it easy to go from acoustic to electric




  1. If you want to set the rhythm for the band, then do bass guitar. if you want a more defined treble sound or to be the one throwing in free licks and guitar solos then do guitar.bass is a tad bit easier to learn because there aren't so many other techniques to learn like guitar. the cheapest are guitars i think. and they both sound good and are needed in a band.

    it is easy to go from acoustic to electric.

  2. I think bass is the easiest to learn. it doesnt differ alot with the normal guitar only in the chords on the bass you use a figer on a fret but with the guitar you use all your fingers to make different chords. When it comes to scales, the bass is basically the same of the guitar, The only differnce is that in the normal guitar you go into higher octaves. I recomend to start with the bass, learn the theory and scales, of it then move to the guitar it wont be much easier but you will have a better understanding of what the instrument is and how it works. Bass are cheaper trust me I own a REC STUDIO
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