
Baseball - Football - Basketball 100 million $$ contracts ?

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Just how & what justifies these monster contracts & pay outs ?

I know a lot of it probaly relates to how well they reach certen team goals?

But, still 25/50/75/100 million $$$ for just signing their name ?

My thoughts, it is outragious...................80% of the signees do not even speak the english properly.

So our higher educational college sports are in reality for only pro sports farm teams whose classes consist of junior high subjects in order to attend & conpete & go pro for the big bucks ?

So what is the standard make up of the pay outs & contracts in plain english ?




  1. It's the fan's fault that they are overpaid. The fans are the ones who choose to overpay for all these tickets and merchandise. If the athletes aren't overpaid, the money goes to the owners.

  2. Capitalism my friend.  If you sell something, you should get paid for it. Athletes are essentially a business. They sell a product and the people buy it. The millions of people pay to see these athletes do what me and you can't do, so they deserve every penny.

  3. If I understand you correctly you are asking as to why Pro athletes get paid so much.

    To answer you is quite simple. It's Economics. If athletes were getting regular wages like 50k a year, the ACLU and other groups like that would be all over the NBA NFL MLB.

    That is because the Owners who ALREADY take in mucho mills a year would be earing in an extra hundred mil for not having to compensate the player for what they earn the owner. It's exploitation of the athletes.

    If the owner earns $200 mil a year and the players earn 50k a year that would be illegal for on account of underpaying his employees for what they earn him.

  4. i agree. players should play for the game and not the money, they get too much

  5. Hahaha... You're criticizing someone from another country about their English grammar when you can't even spell.  Irony anyone?

  6. You shouldn't be speaking about education and speaking english right because your own english is "outragious".

  7. The entertainment industry is a strange one I admit.

    You see, if a big named player is on a team the team gets more $$$ from ticket sales even if they aren't doing great, example: Kobe Bryant throughout the time between Shaqs leaving and this last season.

    Plus a team wants to win and you know the old saying, "you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet", well essentially the eggs are millions of dollars and the omelet is a championship, some for the love of the game, and some for ticket sales and merchandising and I think the league gives a bonus to playoff contenders of some sort...

    It's sad, I know, people who go to college for years and years make a minuscule fraction of what these guys, straight out of high school in some cases make, just to play a game when the money could go to so many more fulfilling things like hunger in the world, h**l even donate it to education, it would still have a better purpose.

    But the only way we could EVER stop this is if no one watched the NBA anymore and that would never happen.

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