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I am a 14 year old girl and i have never been interested in sports. my birthday was last week and i got bunch of baseball tickets. i know the generall of baseball but i dont know alot of the terms and i dont get no hitters etc. i went on wikipedia and i dont want to go through a million pages of the history.

please help me understand baseball, because i dont want to be the idiot who yells touch down durring the nineth inning.




  1. Like other have said, don't worry too much about the details or learning the language (for example...the odds of you seeing a no-hitter are quite small so you probably won't need to know that)

    Cheer for the team in the white uniform, they will be the home team. Cheers when someone in white gets a hit, cheer loudly when they score a run. Just follow along with the fans, and if you don't understand a word someone is using, just ask them what that means. Baseball fans are almost always friendly and they're usually ridiculously happy to show off their "baseball knowledge".

  2. Well if you get the outline you should be able to get the game; but ever little detail of baseball takes up way too much space in this box. You should ask like anybody who is a baseball fanatic and then let them explain to you. But a no-hitter is when a pitcher (and relief) throws a game without any hits but can allow walks and and steals.

  3. Honestly, if you know the basics of baseball, then you should enjoy yourself at the games. You don't need to know every term or detail. As long you know there are 9 innings, each team gets 3 outs, 3 strikes and a player is out, 4 balls and a player walks, etc.

  4. cheer when others cheer.  There are far too many rules and things to explain, and you cant learn it from text.  After attending a game you will understand a lot more about the game.

  5. it would take like 20 hours to explain to you what it means. if you arent interested in sports, you could always sell the tickets. you would make some money off them. i know about baseball cuz i played softball. so basically i know alot, but not everything, because basball is a little different than softball.

  6. it is impossible to state every little thing in this tiny box.  MY best advice would be to have someone who knows the gmae that is with you to explain the rules and little technicalities throughout the game

    oh by the way  a no hitter is when a pitcher doesn't allow a base hit during the time he pitches

  7. baseball is way too complex of a sport to expect to know it all before you go to a game, but here are some basics:

    there are 9 innings in a game. the visitors bats in the top half o the inning, while the home team (the home is who evers stadium you are at watching the game) bats in the bottom of the inning. so in the first inning the visiting team would bat in the top of the first, and the home team would bat in the bottom of the first.

    your team gets 3 outs per inning, then the opposing team comes up to bat.

    3 strikes and you are out. 4 balls and you are walked. a foul tip or foul ball counts as a strike, unless you have two strikes already. when a batter has 2 balls and 3 strikes, it is called "full count"

    after getting a hit or walking, a batter goes to 1st base (the bases are those white square things), then proceeds to 2nd, then 3rd base, and eventually goes to home if they score.

    the pitcher is the guy on the little bump in the middle of all the bases who throws the ball. the catcher catches the ball from the pitcher. 1st basemen plays right next two 1st base. 2nd basemen plays in between 1st and 2nd base but is closer to 2nd. shortstop plays in between 2rd base and 2nd base but is closer to 2nd. third basemen plays right next to 3rd base. if you stand on home plate and look to the outfield, the left fielder plays the left side of the outfield, right fielder plays the right side, and center field plays in the middle of those two.

    if its in the ninth inning with the home team winning, and the visiting bats and doesnt take the lead then the home team doesnt have to bat in the bottom of the 9th because it would be pointless.

    when a batter hits the ball in the air and they catch it, its called a fly out. when a batter hits it on the ground and is thrown it, its called a ground out.

    when a batter hits the ball over the fence in play its called a home run.

    RBI stands for "runs batted in"

    ERA stands for "earned run average" over nine innings.

    when a guy on the team you are not rooting for strikes out, yell "sit down" or "go back to the dugout"

    clap when the team you are rooting for scores, boooooo when the opposing team scores.

    hope this helps, it should be most of the basics.
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