
Baseball Open Enrollment for my 4 1/2 year old.?

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My son loves to play baseball and I just wanted to enroll him in a baseball team with other kids his age and wanted to know what sites to search for more info.




  1. I just signed my 5 year old up for tee-ball. The kids have to be 5 by the starting date, but that's maybe just my town. I would contact your township supervisor if you have one or visit the library. Librarians usually have all sorts of knowledge about town happenings.

  2. Try your town's Park and Recreation department.  4 1/2 is pretty young for organized groups (at least in my town).  Good luck!

  3. The YMCA offers that type of program.  However, for his age group, it may be a parent/child interactive activity.  Also, your local recreation centers should offer citywide/countywide teams.

    Not sure of exact website addr, but type it in and it will list it.

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