
Baseball Rules/Situation Trivia.?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question once before, but I don’t think many people understood the question, so I’m going to try one more time.

How many ways can you list, where a runner can be put out while he is touching a base.

ANY out that occurs on any runner while he is physically touching any base at the moment the out is made counts toward the list.

For example here’s one possibility: A runner is forced to advance when the batter hits the ball, but while he’s still on his original base, he is tagged out.

How many more ways can you list where a runner can be put out while he is touching a base?




  1. Forced to advance and doesn't

    Needs to tag up, but standing on a later base when tagged/forced at the original base

    Hit by batted ball before it passes a fielder

    Missed a previous base and called out on appeal

    Multiple runners on a base (if force play, lead runner can be tagged/forced out, if not, trailing runner can be tagged)

    Intentionally interferes with the ball/player (eg, reaches out and pushes a fielder making a play)

    Flies out, and is standing on a base when the ball is caught

    Strike 3 caused by the batter stepping out of the batter's box onto home plate

    Edit to add: Interference by coach or other team member to assist the runner or distract the opposing team

    Not including plays that just have delayed calls... eg, runs out of the baseline, but reaches the next base before the ump makes the call

  2. you already answer one.

    2.  getting hit by the ball the base is not also safe

    3. infeild rule the base runner can be out can it a runner on a base he can be out.

    those are the only ones i can remember.

  3. I can think of five.

    Being hit by a batted ball, other than an infield fly, interfering with a batted or thrown ball, called out on appeal at another base, interference by a coach with a batted or thrown ball, or interference by a coach by attempting to assist the runner in leaving the base

  4. They forget to tag up

    They get hit by a batted ball

    They punch the umpire

    They kick the umpire

    They yell at the umpire

  5. How about he's found to have illegal equipment or other illegal clothing, such as jewelry that would interfere with play? And a fielder points this out while he's on a base, an umpire agrees, and tosses him.

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