
Baseball batting average?

by  |  earlier

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How is a baseball batting average figured out? Do walks, intentional or not (hit by pitch, wild pitch, etc), count in the batting average?




  1. No, walks are not counted as at-bats.  An at-bat is a player's official turn to bat, unless the catcher interferes or unless the player is hit by the ball, makes a sacrifice hit or fly, or is walked.

    To figure a batting average, divide the number of hits by the number of at-bats.  Voila.

  2. no.

    at bats dont include hit by pitch, or any type of walks and wild pitch have nothing at all to do with batting average

    hits / at bats = batting average

  3. no walk don't  count

  4. Its based on official plate appearances, which does not include sacrifice bunts, sacrifice flies, walks, or hit by pitch.

  5. AVG == hits / at-bats, conventionally to three decimals.

    One reason (there are others) that batting average has fallen from favor among serious analysts is how much it does NOT tell us, because it leaves out so many other events. It also treats all hits as having equal value, and we know that not to be true.

  6. Only hits are considered when one is figuring out Batting Average.

    Batting Average is simply the total amount of hits a player has divded by the number of official at-bats.

    Walks, intentional walks, sac flys all dont result in an official at bat.

    Lets say someone's box score was this:  Walk, Single, Single, Sac Fly.   He will be 2-2, because walking and sac flys dont apply to his batting average.  His batting average would be 1.000.  Perfect.

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