
Baseball you wonder what the other teams announcers say about your team?

by  |  earlier

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Based on how your team has done this year, what do you think they would say about your players, coaches, managers etc.




  1. well, for me personally i feel kinda happy inside whenever an outside broadcast talks good about the angels because it doesn't happen often..

    okay call me a dork, but let me have my 20 seconds of happiness!! XP

    it doesn't really matter in the end though :)

    whenever you hear the good you also hear the dreaded words.. "where's the big bat?"

    edit: yeah? that's cool. well hopefully its not too much to annoy you ahaha i know the feeling when guys are talking too much about one team and not the other.. our guys love kinsler and young ^^ One of em even said Kinsler for MVP XD

  2. Talk sh**t probaly, wasn't another team I think it was the Royal's announcers talking sh**t about Milton Bradley and when he founnd out he confornted them? Am I correct?

  3. Announcer's used to be non-partial, they way they should. I'm sure there are still a few around, including my all-time favorite, Vin Scully. I can tell you he'll never bad mouth an opponent.

    As for how other NL West announcers? I've heard D'Back, Rockies and Padres announcers. A little trash talk, but no major capping.  Unsure of Giants announcers as I am a Dodger fan and to listen to a Giant broadcast would probably kill me...

  4. disapointed as me. I expected a higher level and well the DL did hit us hard but not hard enough to knock us out of contention. Still they are trying and the offense is somewhat improving.

  5. Well considering we can't stand each other, I'm sure there's some good trash talk from the Red Sox announcers to my Yankees.

    But tonight, they had NOTHING on Joba Chamberlain. And great save from Mariano Rivera to get us out of that jam.

  6. You want the Truth , i don't care what the other Announcers say about my Yankees they have an opinion and i have my simple as that

  7. Not really, but I have watched the Cubs TV Channel, and the announcers are HORRIBLE.  They rarely say anything good about the other team, and they get all dramatic whenever the Cubs score a run.  They don't like to admit at all whenever another team is better than the Cubs.

    They've got my vote for most biased/annoying announcers in all of baseball.


  8. I have MLB extra innings.  Sometimes the announcers are for the other teams.  They pretty much talk trash.--I just hit "mute" and watch the game.

  9. Its always funny to hear the NL West announcers talking c**p about the other teams, cuz they all stink. You cant really blame them

  10. When I lived in Seattle the announcers always wanted the Tigers to slip and s***w up and the same for the Toronto announcers (we got Canadian channels on our cable.. Now that I live in Utah the Colorado announcers were always hoping something awful would happen to the Tigers. For once I'd like to listen to someone who isn't hoping the Tigers will lose.

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