
Baseball section regulars: TC badges?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I have been on here long enough to become familiar with some of the people who have earned a TC badge. I also am familiar with some people on here who I feel deserve one such as YFFL, Killzone, and some others. Now I have seen some people with a TC badge who I have never seen on this section. To be honest, that pisses me off. Do you guys share my frustration or is it just because I'm in a bad mood right now?

Also, I have a baseball question for you guys. It has to do with Pete Rose. I understand completely that he broke the rules, but should he be a HOFer. I strongly believe he should be. I look at OJ Simpson (I know, he played a different sport) and he is a football HOFer and he is a murderer. Do you believe that it is unfair for Rose, who put up legitamite HOF numbers, not to be in a HOF when there are others who don't deserve it because of criminal activity? Keep in mind he bet on games. It's illegal, but it isn't murder.




  1. Hi Anthony this is a cool Question and yes i know how you feel Thanks i KNOW you deserve a TC Badge , you are one the nicest , coolest A's Fans on here , and at first i wanted a TC Badge to be honest with you but then people on here Like yourself know that i love Baseball, and you will get a TC Badge don't worry your answer and questions are good, and i get frustrated when people who have been on here WAY Less time on here have one , but Patience my good Buddy the time will come

    Baseball QUESTION: Well I'm a so so on this one because i LOVE Baseball and what he did to the game i love i don't like, but his #'s are HOF

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