
Baseball skills over the summer?

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what can i do over the summer to get myself ready for next years baseball season..and what in house exercises can i do




  1. Aerobic stuff, especially running. Your windage is important in baseball. Also work out your forearms and wrists.

  2. Run, stretch, and keeps the skills going--play a lot of catch, pepper, hot box . . .

    Why not play during the summer?  Don't you have an American Legion team nearby?

  3. find a wall out side somewhere draw a chalk strikezone box. then stand far away and throw as fast as u can at it. try to get on the inside everytime. this is great to practice for any position. and if your a pitcher learn some new pitches. with it. not to many throws tho.

  4. taking bp over the summer is prolly one of the best workout you can get to take plenty of swings and you also get to field when your not far as lifting goes you do not have to be jacked to play baseball it is good to just be tone so work on a good weight that will also be effective for you........also running doesnt hurt

  5. Planks! =:]

  6. Well it depends on your position.  If you are a Pitcher you need to Run Run Run and build stamina for the season.  Throwing long toss once a week or so is also good to build arm strength for any position.  If you are an infielder take groundballs and work on your form if you are an outfielder work on flyballs, groundballs and all that good stuff.  On the Offense of side take BP but be productive dont take a lot of cuts. Usually when people take a lot of cuts they develop bad habits in their swings so be productive.  Also hitting off of a Tee is really helpful you can hit off of a Tee at your house in a garage.  Soft toss is also a good drill to help your swing but dont take a lot of cuts so you dont pick up bad habits if you take too many swings you tire yourself out and your swing will get lazy and you will pick up bad habits. You dont have to take a lot of cuts to get better just be productive  

    Stuff you can do in your house is pushups situps stuff of that nature also if you have a medcine ball there are a ton of good workouts you can do and you can find them online. As for lifting weights dont worry about that too much In baseball you dont have to be big to be good.  

    Good Luck with your season tear it up

  7. You could go to a local baseball park with someone to practice. You could take a jog around your block, or lift weights.

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