
Baseball tips please answer?

by Guest64551  |  earlier

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i am only hitting ground balls. with my size i should be cranking them over the fence but i barely get it over the infield. i know the basics like line your knuckles up etc. i need good solid tips.





  1. Hips and your core.  Hit the ball where its thrown.  It sounds like you probably have more problems that could be solved on Yahoo! Answers.   Find someone who knows baseball that can analyze your swing.  Hitting a baseball is the most difficult task in any sport.  Keep practicing.    ... and don't "twist your wrist" like the previous guy said.  This could be why you are hitting ground balls.  The wrist can cause power, but it will happen naturally.  Focusing on your wrists is the last thing to fix.

  2. your trying to much just if they pitch you away which they sound like doing hit it in the oposite field so if they pitch you on the outside corner hit it out towards right field if your right handed or if your left handed just hit it towards left if they pitch you away only swing hard if you see a fastball where you like it  

  3. well hold the bat with two hands that will help you crank and when you make contact roll or twist your wrist like a quick snap.  also use your hips that genertes a lot of power.

  4. There all right But  you shouldn't Try to hit it over the fence u want grownd balls

  5. ok first of all dont TRY to hit homeruns

    stayaway from upper cut swing

    try to hit line drives but dont tighten up your body when u swing you lose bat speed like that.

    and you get a lot of power from your lower body so when you swing your knee should come down as your hips twist.

    o and keep your swing short too

    do not use the skish bug techinke its wrong

  6. I would do alot of tee-work and to help you also I would do alot of soft toss.  Concetrate on using you legs.  Here is a site that has drills that can help you.

  7. You might be using all arms. I'd have to see your swing, but try use more hips and legs in your swing. All of your power comes from your legs. Watch Dusting Pedroia's swing, its amazing how much leg power he uses in his swing.

  8. ok im 5'8 and i can hit 300+ft if u want power when ur in ur stance when u swing through use 1 hand if ur right handed make ur right hand take off the cape or like wath manny when he connects.

  9. The easiest way to solve this problem is to focus on hitting the bottom half of the ball. Also if you try to pull every pitch it will result in far more groundballs. Concentrate on driving the ball to the opposite field on away pitches.

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