
Based from the "The Day After Tomorrow", how can global warming trigger a global cooling trend?

by Guest59017  |  earlier

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Based from the "The Day After Tomorrow", how can global warming trigger a global cooling trend?




  1. Global warming, of course, cause the Earth to heat up, and especially at the poles. At the poles, there are many icebergs which will melt as a result of this. The flux of freshwater into the ocean increases, and therefore causes the warm water currents in the oceans to come to a standstill. The lack of those currents is the result of global cooling. Eventually, the icebergs will build up again due to the cooling, and the process will start all over again. Ice ages are a result of this.

  2. Based on common sense, that movie was fiction and was just an attempt by liberal Hollywood to instill the fear of global warming in you.

  3. The idea behind the movie is that ocean currents (like the gulf stream which warms the UK) will be altered causing some northern regions to ice over.  Once the mass of ice and snow reaches a critical area, the ice will reflect enough heat away from the earth that there will be runaway cooling.  

    It is just a movie and not considered scientifically credible.

  4. The movie is sheer bunk, therefore global warming is not true.

    Kidding. The movie was ridiculous but GW is happening.

  5. If this movie is the basis of your information may god save us all. The movie is a total fabrication of imagination and in no way represents any form of the truth or fact.

  6. There's some good answers here, but keep in mind this movie was entertainment, not science.  The relationship is about the same as that of the movie ALIENS to the SETI project.

  7. My god!!! There are giant octopi killing out there!!!

  8. Using fiction as the basis for argument isn't usually a great way to make decisions.  I watched a movie about H-bombs making a giant octopus attack San Francisco the other day.  I don't recall that one ever happening in real life.  

    The planet warms and cools all by itself.  It's just the way things are.  Those species that can adapt survive.  Those that can't, don't.

  9. The plot. Global warming causes the Gulf Stream to shut down. This current normally brings tropical warmth northward and makes Europe much more comfortable than it should be at its northerly latitude. The heat stays stuck in the tropics, the polar regions get colder, and the atmosphere suddenly flips over in a "superstorm." The frigid stratosphere trades places with our habitable troposphere, and in a matter of days, an ice age ensues.

    Each one of these phenomena is physically impossible.

    Start with the Gulf Stream. Carl Wunsch, a professor of physical oceanography at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, knows more about ocean currents than most anyone. He thinks the nonsense in The Day After Tomorrow detracts from the seriousness of the global-warming issue. So he recently wrote in the prestigious science journal Nature that the scenario depicted in the movie requires one to "turn off the wind system, or to stop the Earth's rotation, or both."

    The stratosphere will become the troposphere when all three laws of thermodynamics are repealed. Hailstones can't reach bowling-ball size because their growth is limited by gravity. Hurricanes can't hit Belfast because the intervening island of Ireland would destroy them.

  10. It can't.  This is a good example why Hollywood should not be relied on for scientific, or even factual information.  Politicians, especially liberal politicians are only slightly more reliable.

  11. You may know the facts....

  12. its just all thee same thing mainly its all abt gulf streams and ocean warming affects the gulf stream and stops it from bringing warm air to th northern hemispere so that whipes out the warm air and tropical temperatures leavign only the cool air to come in...hence the ice age thingy ...without the warm air is gonna be really cold

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