
Based on Hillary's claims of experience, Can I perform brain surgery on you?

by Guest67098  |  earlier

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The main base of her "experience" as she states it, is that she was married to a president. Well, my wife is a surgeon. Am I qualified to hack into someone? She also says she should be elected because she is eager to lead, which of the other candidates isn't eager to lead? If they were not eager, then why would they be running? Does ANYONE take Hillary's B.S seriously?




  1. No you may not perform brain surgery on me, I don't think I need it seeing as how I don't trust ol Hillary and a lot of what she says ... but I will admit she's great at spin ... maybe she'd be a better dj or carnival rider operator!

  2. You'd be surprised how stupid people are.  Well maybe you wouldn't if you spend much time in Y/A.

  3. Sadly yes, some do. I'm sure you're as well qualified to do brain surgery as Clinton is to be pres. Do me a favor though, if you would. Start with Shillary.

  4. Unfortunately their are some humans that buy into her B.S. by all means perform brain surgery, then if that bores you do abortions, the democrats and liberals will back you on that one.

  5. You forgot to mention that she is a two term US senator who, among other assignments, has served on the armed services committee.  I guess Hannity left that part out.

  6. Amazingly there are some in this country that actually by into her B.S.,either through infantile naivety, uninformed adolescent rebellion or true socialist ideology. Luckily mainstream America, both Democrat and Republican alike see through her facade and will not allow her to be elected.

  7. I think people are missing your point. It isn't that any of the other candidates are more experienced than her; it's the idea that she claims to be more experienced because her husband was President.

    To me that isn't even the biggest issue that I have with her. The main issue I have with her, is that her Senate voting record proves that she would have done exactly what Bush did in Iraq. Now she can say: "If I knew then, what I know now". But couldn't Bush say the same thing? Her explanation is so lame that I can't believe anyone is letting her get away with it. Her disclaimer is just one more reason that I don't believe this country should ever again go to war without a declaration of war to rally the people, remove the politics and put all of our might into the effort.

  8. Being 1st lady to a president who committed a felony and was impeached

  9. i didn't like her when her husband was president and i still don't

  10. call it text book political strategy the word experience can sometimes be a double edge sword on a political platform it can make her likable to voters or it can work against her,

  11. Unfortunately, some people DO take her B.S. seriously. I find it curious that she would claim being married to a president would give her any experience or knowledge. I've heard that she wasn't  the one who spent time in the oval office with her husband.

  12. Bush had even less experience, as he was never married to a President, and his Father was only president a mere 4 years.

    I think you are just mudslinging a great woman.

  13. why not we got a moron acting as president right now

  14. Yes, if your spouse is or was a brain surgeon . But, politicians do not have to have malpractice insurance .

  15. How many times have you watched or assisted with brain surgery .

  16. The guy who was the 1st answer who said bush had even less experince is the typical liberal who cant just answer a question. They have to always bring it around to bush to not answer the question.

    Bush didnt claim to have the most experince, Hilary is.

    notice she claims to have the most experince, but when she makes this claim she only includes the people she has more experince over. She leaves off the canidates who have more experince than her.

    I agree that she is almost using the I stayed at a holiday inn express philosophy when she states her list of credentials for experince.

    All the canidates are slimey and untrustworthy, both rep & dems yet somehow she finds a way to take that to a new level. Nothing that comes out of her mouth can be beleived. She is a cheat at everything she has ever put her hand to. White Water and the rose firm, Stealing stuff from the whitehouse when she left, plants in debates, fundraising issues.

    just about everything you can think of

    ADDITION: also experince isnt everything. Someone could be an accountant for 20 years it doesnt make them a good one. Just becuase you have done something for a long time doesnt make you an expert at it.

    With her experince she has had a failed helathcare plan (failed beyond description)

    According to her with all of her experince she was "fooled into voting for the war" Wow do we really want someone fooled so easily on something like that running our country.

    Her own spin actually makes her look worse if you actually are not a sheep tht just takes what she says at face value

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