
Based on my research, Why are Black people around the world has lost their culture and their own identity?

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The natives around the world still mantain their traditional lifestyle, the asians around the world would still adapt their own culture and language eventhough they were born overseas. And same goes for the Hispanics and middle eastern.

The questions is why black people are not the same with the other race based on my description above?

As all i know the black american has contributed the Jazz culture which is primarily still combination of white and black music.

Where has the African culture gone to?




  1. To my knowledge me being a black person of course  

    All of the black people were from Africa and Africa was taken over by white people who forced all the Africans to change their culture and learn different languages like French, English, etc..

    Lots of Africans were also sold as slaves and they were forced to take on new names and cultures, If they refused they were beaten almost to death until they gave in. Africans are the only group of people that at one point in history were enslaved all around the world by different cultures for hundreds of years. It was tried with other groups like Native Americans but the lack of freedom alone killed them so they turned to Africans instead.

  2. In the U.S...evaporated like that of white Americans. Whites pretty much sacrificed connections to their cultures by coming here. Within a few generations it's no longer remembered. Black folks, by being torn away, also experienced a break in the connection with their original cultures. Many Asian families (and some others) are still relatively new and still have it in whole or part. Give it a few more generations and they'd likely experience the same.

  3. Culture

    Most important Language, Music,

    Dress, Beliefs & Expression

    Slavery in the new world

    18 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic in the ships they were mixed around with other African ethnic groups so they could not speak the same language. Many were transported naked or just one peice of clothing no belongings arrived to the Americas only the humans.

    Africans in the new world had to forget the ethnic differences and come together they resisted against following European religions etc. The generations of American born black slaves were taken away from their African parents at an early age and raised into slavery elswhere. How can African culture survive through that. Europeans made sure nothing African would survive in the New World execept their decendants.

    African influence in the Americas still occured. All forms of rhyhm base music in America is heavily influenced from Africa

    Jazz, Rock n Roll, Rap, R'N'B, Salsa, Rhumba, Reggae, Bashment, Soca, Gospal, Country, Rock, Heavy Metal, Pop, Techno basicallly all forms of music today in the Americas has been influenced by Africa. This is because rhythm base did not exist in European music but African music



    Which one can you bop your head to in a constant rhythm. All American music today has a rhythm base ie people can be seen dancing to or not to a beat which would look wrong and can perform dance moves. Today the drum is replaced by computer base or repetitive back beat or in rock music a drum kit.

    This shows how one form of culture survived unlike the rest.

    Back in Africa slavery drained out villages and made the few left flee into hiding many regions saw whole communities vanish ghost towns or whole family trees or generations vanish. Africa passed down culture verbally and physically and slavery destroyed many cultures to the point some we dont know exist to this day.

    Colonization of Africa

    Many parts of Africa had outside influence pounded on them Islam and Christianity replaced many African beliefes which outdated any religion to date. European languages were set as offical languages for many countries

    As we should all know humans are animals with culture. the moment you lose culture your group will either need to create a new one or become wild humans. This can be said to why the black race has soo many problems in the western world and Africa worldwide because many black ethnic groups have either lost their culture or had their one overshadowed by another. Europeans were smart that in when you make a group lose their culture or follow yours you can tame that group to your needs which they did and simply when they were finished left they did it in Africa and the new world but because of this black people worldwide suffer numerous problems on a larger scale than other races.

    African cultures are still their but overall most are either influenced or new ones

    Ones with no culture (wild)


    Broken families

    Black on Black (crime, lightskin v darskin)

    Denail of Black

    Ignorance of Life/ lack of morals

    Self hate


    New cultures


    American culture

    Hip Hop culture

    Latin culture

    Caribbean culture



    The only problem with new cultures is that because they have not been in these families for many generations any child can grow against it and end up being

    Problems in black communities worldwide

    Jamaica, South Africa Top two highest murder rate countries in the world, both Black nations

    Black neighborhoods crime USA

    London teen murders mainly black on black

    African civil wars

    Its 2008 and its no longer a black problem as worldwide everyone is beginning to lose culture and replace it with materials and technology

    I gained all this knowledge from my parents both African and we still have our culture intact. No religion no rules just morals and dont forget you had ancestors and any dream you can remember a day or two later it has a meaning.

    I can understand why many people can give my race unlimited amounts of bad stereotypes but the thing I dont like is how people dont understand why the black race has may problems and that we are the same as them and if their race and continent endured the same events as ours they would be exactly the same its not a black thing its a human thing.

    Culture is the only thing which separates us from the rest of the Animal kingdom. dont believe me raise a baby with no language or music see if they grow up to be modern human or just an animal with the main instincts (eat, sleep & reproduce)

  4. jazz is sooo not a combination of white and black.

  5. i agree alot with what people are saying about slavery but u also have to keep ing mind so many white people want to be black now days that they are having s*x with black people and trying to call all these mixed kids black but they are being raised by and learning ways their white familys (mainly white women) but yet wanting to go around saying theie black.

  6. AFRICAN culture is VERY much alive-trust me. my parents are nigerian and i was raised in that culture even though i live in england. most black americans do not know what countries they originated from and so have developed their own culture. most genres of modern music comes from the black americans. yes i said MOST. jazz,blues,soul,r&b,rock(yes even rock0 and disco(yes i said disco too). just look at america and you can see how black culture has infiltrated its way into many areas of american life.

    to really answer your question, even though i am nigerian i have always mixed with other peoples. many asians (even ones born in the uk and america) do tend to stick to their own community in making friends and dating. some may see this as a good things, some may not.

    edit:@x'plicitE8- just read your answer. excellent

  7. Based on what research you did?  Because you just sound ignorant!!!  

    For one the majority of African Americans were brought to this country as slaves and remained slaves for generations.  They in most cases were forced to assimilate and even become Christians.  But they did hold on to alot of their culture through song.  This is why African Americans have played such a major roll in American Music.  They did not only START (no just contribute to) Jazz music, but they also started Rock And Roll, which was not widely popular until Elvis came... Go figure the first white guy to really be recognize is the KING of rock.

    There are a lot of resurgences of African American culture.  And it is an on going thing with in the African American Movement to preserve this through things like, Kwanzaa which celebrates African heritiage and is a widely growing holiday.  They also keep their culture alive through soul food and many other things.

    Really the ones who have lost their culture is white America.  Which was also due to racism in many instances.  When the Irish Potato Famine when on and there was an Influx of Irish immigrants they were considered the lowest of the low.  As were Jewish and German immigrants after WWII.  

    Bottom line our society has come a long way.  For the most part people are not discriminated against anymore for practicing their religion and culture.  This is why now people keep their cultures when they didn't previously.  

    Because of the Idea of Manifest Destiny, (look it up) many people from all different geographical locations lost alot of their cultural history.

    And I am really curious, you said based on your research, what kind of research have you done??

  8. Black people IN AMERICA have lost their identity because when their ancestors where brought over as slaves, they were forced to ASSIMILATE real fast or better yet, they were stripped of their identity.

    These other races that you speak of were not forced to leave behind their language and their traditions

  9. this is a funny ? African Americans are different from other races that come here because they were forced to come by slave ships and rip of their identity and culture. Other cultures have been able to immigrate here or are mixtures of cultures that have been created thru migration. And Black people  or any other people should not be lumped into cultural bias. Jazz music is African Americans only what about the stoplight, peanut butter, and most recent RAP music hate it or not it is the biggest influence in the fashion industry every commercial now a days has a hip hop element to it. I think u need to pick up a book of contributions African American have made to the united states because you question is not born of stupidity but of  sure ignorance

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