
Based on my times, what's my best race?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well i'm 13 and i just finished the season.

my pr's were:




i really just think there all at the same level, i just don't know which one to choose.

please help




  1. i would say your 100 because i ran a 12.77 in 8th and now in 9th i ran a 12.40 for varsity and my coach is saying my time could be a 12.00 if i run on the ballson my feet.( also in 8th grade i beat everyone and now i finish 4th everytime)

  2. I would say 100m- 12.9 becasue when you do the math it is the fastes run.

  3. Well unless you have a good reason, you could run all of them because they are all sprints. In my opinion your 200 is the best for being in 7th grade? im assuming.

  4. definally not 400m-1 02.6, i think the best time is 100m 12.9

  5. i think your best race is all of them! 12.9 is good for your age and you cant complain there! and 26.7?! some freshman in high school push to get that time. i find it funny haha  and despite what people are saying about your 400m time. 1:02 is a good time for your age! just remember you are young so dont expect ot be that competitive. just keep working and improving and you will be fine

  6. If I had to pick one it would probably have to be your 100.  My times are better than yours.  You might want to practice 60m sprints just to improve your time.  Try doing this exercise 5 times at first and add one more each day.  Try running on the balls of your feet.  I'm 13 too btw.

  7. Theyre all about the same level..Do them all, there is no law against it

  8. yo! even though i am a girl and i do run track i think your best time is the 100m dash!

  9. You don't choose just one. I ran varsity track all 4 years of highschool and i never saw a sprinter who does just one event. do em all

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