
Based on some of these main qualities of me, do you think I'll ever find the guy right for me?

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Here are some of my qualities...

right now 15

don't care whether rich or poor

he will not support me and vice versa, we will support each other



hard worker

wants to adopt a little girl from Africa, Haiti, or China

future doctor or researcher

loves biology

wants to keep last name, but also for him to keep his last name

not interested in creating kids

fiesty in arguements

sports lover

lover of real hip hop and other music


future peace corps goer





does not believe in gender roles

doesn't mind me picking him up half the time + paying for the bill

against physical violence (except maybe in sports)

Like, will I ever find a guy that will be kind of like me or accept/love these qualities about me? Or, am I just a too much striped fish for this?

Note: already asked this Q, but just trying to get more opinions and stuff




  1. of course you will.  hopefully, however, you will not find the perfect guy in middle school - at 15, if you fall for someone, he might hold you back from actually going to the peace corps and travelling and doing everything you want.  don't settle.  and don't search.  you will run into someone you agree with, probably when you're involved with one of these activities.  and don't worry - i'm a passionate feminist who's also in a committed relationship and getting married soon, and he loves me more for it. don't let these 12 year old boys scared you away from acting as you believe.  i'm not sure why yahoo answers hates feminists so much, but any guy that says that is someone you don't want anyway.

  2. you will, but be aware that true love involves compromise on all sides, not just him or you

  3. Everything there seems fine to me, some of these qualities will most likely change over time as you get older but they all seem valid for a good relationship. There is nothing wrong with being a feminist but when you tip from slight to overboard THEN it becomes an annoying quality. I can understand the less extreme ones but the more extreme ones annoy the h**l out of me and most of my friends (male or female).

  4. Uh, the problem will be the "not interested in creating kids"  -- but then that MAY change with time.

    Most people ARE interested in creating kids. And that issue can be a deal-breaker.

    Otherwise, sure I see no reason to think you'd always be alone, from what you've said.

  5. Good luck. By the fourth quality you got me scared away. A feminist? What kind of guy wants a feminist?

  6. probably not but if you do it is not for those insane reasons you are 15 and a feminist crazy why do you want to adopt a child from some b******e country what about the children in your own i guess that aren't posh enough get with it girl or you will end up like most feminist butched out and trolling for little girls in the mall p.s. you like hip hop and you are a feminist jesus tap dancing christ you want to keep your last name plus he can keep his too are you on the pipe if not maybe you should look into it

  7. yes u will find the right guy for u

  8. for sure they may not hit all the qualities but you cant expect anyone to but for sure no worrys

  9. In all relationships in order for them to work out for the best of both people evolved and they both be happy their must be compromise on both of their parts but YES I believe that you will find some guy that will love and except you for these qualities although you are limiting your options and narrowing your opportunities.........

    Best of luck to you in your search for that guy!!!

  10. If you were a bit older and I was a whole lot younger and still single I'd be head over heels with ya.

  11. You sound pretty cool to me, but you are the same age as my youngest child. You have plenty of time to find the right person. Work on fullfilling your dreams, and love will come.

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