
Based on the ealier question about housewives: for those who don't find value in it,?

by  |  earlier

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What is it about homemaking that turns you off?




  1. It's not that there's no value in it - obviously, somebody has to do it, even if you're living on your own.  But being a full time homemaker would not be interesting for me because I don't want a family, and because I would get very bored and isolated not going out to work every day and seeing other people.  If I even have a week off, I have cabin fever by the end of it, and I have friends who are parents who say they crave adult conversation after spending all day with the kids, so I think that's partly true for everyone :-)

  2. Uh?

    Housework doesn't 'turn me off' - it's just something that has to be done. However, it certainly doesn't take all day and it doesn't provide any challenge or intellectual stimulation.

  3. It's not that I don't find value in it - it's just not necessary where I am in life right now. I have no children and work from home, and I would probably be a housewife for a few years if I did have kids.

    I just think some still see this as a subservient role, but it's up to the couple to decide what is best for their family and what they can afford. I have no qualms with it, in other words.

  4. all i can say is housework!!! why would you want to spend time doing it. My suggestion is 1 - you both work so you can afford a cleaner 2 - one works, the other doesnt need to so you can see afford a cleaner! lol........

    Can put up with a sort of small mess but not dirt and filth urgh

  5. Housewifes are good.

  6. If other women choose to be homemakers, and they find value in it, then I'm glad for them. Many women in my family, as well as my best friend, are homemakers. It works for them and their immediate families. However for me, I would never want to be a homemaker because that job does not fit my interests, just as I do not want to be a doctor because that does not fit my interests, either. It's has nothing to do with me devaluing anything.

  7. Everything, cooking is not too bad, but im not very good at it,cleaning, i rarely do, i don't like children, and i don't want to be married, there's your lot!

    Being a homemaker has a lot of value, just not for women like me.

    I just don't see anything appealing in it, in fact it would be quite boring!

    However i don't look down on people who want to be homemakers, but its not for me.

  8. I never believed homemaking has no value.

    1.  I never had kids, so the question is moot.

    2.  I married late, so the question is moot.

    3.  Hard work killed my mother, and I was damned if I was going to let that happen to me.  No more details.

    4.. Like Rio, I love to cook but loathe housework of any kind, so I chose a life that would allow me to hire people to do what I hate.

    For the record, as a teenager (many years ago) I remember an aunt of mine saying she was "just a housewife."  I challenged her on that and reminded her that making a home for a husband and two kids was as honorable as having a career.  She hugged me.  

  9. I hate cleaning. I enjoy cooking, but not all the time. I don't want to have children, therefore I don't want to spend all day tending to them. I don't even want to live in a house. My work is the most important thing in the world to me and I would never give it up for anything.

    EDIT: That's fair. I'm not questioning whether or not it works for you.

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